Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Odds and Ends

Sunday Sounds
I was catching up on Fuel/Friends and happened across the band, Noah and the Whale. If the track that Heather put up on her blog is any indication of the rest of the album, this Whale is a keeper. Reminds me of another English band, Boy Least Likely To and a little like Loney Dear. Add Image

Download (for free, on a secured server) Noah and the Whale's "Five Years Time"

Five Years Time - Noah and the Whale

A couple of years ago I burnt out from embroidering too much. I took a breather, and found that I missed it a lot. I've slowly gotten back into it while improving my sewing skills (and overcoming my sewing fears) and am in the middle of one large project (Nicole and Smokey, your quilt may be done for your 10th anniversary), have finished half of a smaller project thanks to countless hours on the road with my parents(pillow cases) and am nearly finished with another project (artwork for our apartment-since I'm too cheap right now to actually buy artwork). Anyway, here's a picture of one of the pillowcases and the sampler I''m working on.

The light on the sampler was wonky. It looks better than that picture. I may do this next, in either cross-stitch or needlepoint since it should go faster.

Minor Relapse
I was finally better from the flu/asthma episode of last year, but my lungs didn't get that message this past weekend. I had an asthma attack Sunday and Monday (which is why part of this post was written sunday, some was written Monday and finished today. The allergies are just as sensitive as they were in November/December. Hopefully, I can figure out what all is causing it and get it solved before my lungs become too high maintenance. I came home today and am taking today off, and will probably work from home tomorrow. Luckily, I have an awesome supervisor and great friends at work who help me out. I'm feeling a lot better Tuesday, but am working from home since it's snowing and I'm sensitive to the cold when I'm sick like this.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sorry to those outside the US

Last night's 30 Rock? Best episode to date this season.

Memorable Quotes and Random Thoughts:

"First of all, never badmouth synergy."

"Fine, I'll go, as long as this has a spa where you are allowed to eat in the sauna, because some places, they get mad." -Liz

"Did you know Janis Joplin speedwalked everywhere and was afraid of toilets?"
Yes, now we know what we're dealing with!" Tracy and Dr. Spaceman

"If left untreated you could possibly lose a foot
Could I replace it with a wheel like Rosie from the Jettsons?
I suppose, but then you'd have to register as a motor vehicle."- Dr. Spaceman and Tracy

"Each of them embodies a pillar of the six sigma business philosophy:
teamwork, insight, brutality, male enhancement, handshakefullness and play hard." -Jack

"There's no link between diabetes and diet. That's a white myth Ken, like Larry Bird or Colorado." -Tracy

"There's a conspiracy theory that after the Civil War, the US Army spread false information about diabetes to keep the newly freed slaves sluggish and docile, and that's why to this day most African Americans know that diabetes is caused by sleeping on your back.
I don't think that's right." -Harvard and Kenneth

"According to my Wikipedia page, I'm gonna need some cherry juice, buttermilk and tequila to make my signature Janis Joplin Cocktail, the Frankschlongg."-Jenna

"Mr. Jordan, I've seen too many people back home die of diabetes and go-kart accidents to stand idly by while you ruin your health.."-Kenneth

"Noe" N-O-E."-Tracy

"You can't say a-doy to me in mixed company."-Jack

"I give you a simple managerial problem and I get back the second half of a Judy Blume novel." -Jack

"That's what friends do, uh-duh." Liz

Random Thoughts during the episode:

  • Jenna doing improv is awesome.
  • Love the Washington reference (maybe we WILL find out what happened)
  • Reeling up the thumbs at 1:50? Totally cute.
  • Yeah! More Janis Joplin, or in this case Janet Jompler or Janey Jimplin
  • I like Jenna's hair, and I totally could do that with mine.
  • Jack is channeling Stuart Smalley?
  • I (still) love Chris Parnell. I'm glad he's back as Spaceman, or anyone really.
  • The diabetes plotline is kind of awesome.
  • The hill witch is just too silly.
  • No celebrity guest spots??
  • (Robot Penis made me laugh)
  • Frank and Jenna hooking up? That's been brewing since the first season. I was hoping that wouldn't happen, but I like how they spun it. The next Ross and Rachel that we actually care about? I hope so.
  • Wait, Jenna is kind of wearing my usual hairstyle (when I actually do it).
  • Frank's love square? Kind of awesome. Go Frank!
  • Jenna's monster bit? Best acting she's done yet!
  • Oh no, Stuart Smalley backfired!
  • If Liz Lemon can wear boots and skirts together, so can I.
  • Liz and Jack are sweet together, and the ending is kind of awesome. No, I don't think they'll ever hook up.
  • I hate Smoky Bear. That's one govment program I don't support (Not you, Smokey, you're name-sake).
  • Finally, no guest spots! My fave episode so far, and I love the plotlines they seem to be going with. Are they tantalizing us with the gay bomb? Will we see more with that?
    I can't believe I spent time writing down my thoughts and quotes. I hate being a little under the weather. Again.