Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Roundup: 12 Year 0ld Boy Edition

1) I spent a good chunk of my weekend listening to John Sterling and Suzyn Waldman on WCBS cover the Yankees/Sox games. John and Suzyn are the announcers for the Yanks out of New York. Both are never negative about players or teams. In fact, on Sunday, they both spent at least an inning going over the 1967 Bo Sox's players. Yeah, they can be a little obscure, but it's baseball. After that Sunday game....we got El Capitan showing a little emotion below. The Yanks clinched the best record in the Majors, and the division. There's still a lot of baseball to be played, but "Go Yankees!"

2) Few things make me smile as much as Goths. Granted, I don't understand the movement, so I wouldn't make a very good goth (and I hate wearing black, but that's a post for another day), but goths still make me smile. Needless to say this picture of the Prime Minister of Spain's Goth Daughters? Awesome. I can't decide which one is my favorite.

3) Have I mentioned yet, that my life revolves around baseball right now? Last week one of my brothers (guess which) told me that he dreamt he was at a baseball game with Derek Jeter. A few days ago, Kelli dreamt she was a new Red Sox fan with a ton of gear. She was really excited to tell a friend of ours about her newly acquired fascination with Boston..and a little apprehensive how I would react.

4) To Celebrate the end of the Fiscal Year (Okay, that would be me), Kell and I are going to Maine. I've never been north of Boston so I'm really excited. Plus, we're hoping to go whale watching and spend quality time around Bar Harbor. I've even been practicing to say Bar Harbor like a native.

5) This picture came out last week or the week before, but it still cracks me up. Seriously, our president is a geek.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wordless: To Grandma's House We Go

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Roundup: Whoop, Whoop Whoopie Pie Edition

1) Kelli and I went up to Lancaster County yesterday to a Whoopie Pie Festival. We didn't make the festival until the tail-end of the festival, but still had a great time. Ever see a 250 lb whoopie pie? Those things are huge. We also found a pottery shop that is one of the coolest shops I've been to out there.
Lancaster County is gorgeous-the Amish were harvesting feed corn but did I take any pictures? Oops. Taken October, 2007

2) A blog I read had a post about a Faces of World War II project that is currently ongoing. The photographer is a 24 year old who has been traveling the country taking pictures of World War II vets. Pretty amazing stuff. He photographs the men and women in their uniforms, or with their army issue equipment.

3) Actual sentence from Dan Brown's new book, "The Lost Symbol":

"His massive sex organ bore the tattooed symbols of his destiny" ...


Okay, now that I've pointed example 353 of Dan Brown's horrible writing, yes I'll probably read this book. Will I give it a four star rating? We'll see. Brown's books are fun even though that man needs a new editor and/or a 12 week English bootcamp course from Mrs. Hawkins.

4) I'm not going into the details about how this was leaked (maybe there is a use for Twitter) but President Obama calling Kanye West a jack-ass for that stunt at the VMA's? Obama went up a notch in my book.

5) I had my first xolair shot two weeks ago. Two of my closest friends have both commented that I seem better than I did before the shot. You aren't really supposed to feel the effects until a month after a shot, but I feel better. I rode my bike to work 3 days in a row and hadn't been able to do that since October of last year.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Smuggling: Kelli and I decided to watch a light movie on Labor Day since the weather was rainy and we’ve been watching dark, depressing movies lately. We chose “My One and Only,” based loosely on George Hamilton’s life. Right before we left for the theater a peach cobbler that I made came out of the oven. Kelli suggested we take it with us to the theater. Needless to say, the whole theater smelled of peach cobbler. What’s the craziest food you smuggled into the movies?

Pinstripes: Wednesday Kelli and I went to see the Yanks play Baltimore at Camden Yards. Great game, and holy cow CC Sabathia is huge. He’s a big guy!

Xolair: I had my first Xolair shot on Friday. I got a shot on the top of my thighs in each leg. I didn’t react to the shot at all but got to stay in the Doctor’s office for 3 hours after the shot.

Pulitzer Prize: Whoever decides to write about a 3 day period in 620 pages should be shot. I’m reading 1947’s Pulitzer Prize winner write now and I’m trudging through it by will-power alone.

Football: I’m a little sad football season has started. I like 2A High School football, but other than that? I'm a casual fan-and the starting of football season means baseball is only a month or so from wrapping up. However, I was pleased to hear about BYU's win. Of course, I heard the news in Fast and Testimony meeting.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The World Ceased as You Knew It

Just looking at this picture makes me nervous
Imagine if you had to wake up tomorrow and drive on the left side of the road? Seriously, just think about it. The way you take corners, even the way pedestrians look to cross the road would change. Samoans have always driven on the right side, but now they are going to flip to drive on the left to be in line with New Zealand and Australia. Needless to say there's been quite a bit of dismay about the change. The following quotes are from a Samoan newspaper and letter to the Editor:
The feeling of uneasiness is increasing throughout Samoa. TV ads
depicting roadsides littered with crosses implying mass deaths air every
In eight more days, one of our loved ones will cease to be with
us. This is not a premonition but based on what is happening with this road
switch fiasco.

If I lived in Samoa, it would almost make me want to Twitter about it. Almost.