Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Picture Book Report

So, guess the book! I admit, I stared at this a second before a smile came to my face recalling the source material.

A Picture Book Report

Here's another one from the same blog that is a quietly beautiful illustration from a classic American novel. If you're not sure, check out the little dream as illustrated by his reflection.
Original Post

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Doppelganger or Sibling?

The Olympics this year? Fun!
But thanks to the Olympics, my brother and sister in law found my long-lost little brother. They say families are forever, and so I'm really, really excited about the find. Would you like to see a picture of my "other" sibling? Here you go!

I pointed this out last week on Facebook so sorry about the redundancy, but what's funny is that Rich and Nicole saw it without even reading my facebook entry...and posted these pics on their blog over the weekend.

Go Team USA!!

For the record, I really like Shaun White's long curly locks. This "big sister" approves.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Orangutan's Best Friend? A Hound Dog

Do you need a pick-me up? Even if you don't, here's a video that just might be the cutest thing ever. Or at least might tweak your perceptions about orangutans.
Below is a video of an orangutan and his best buddy, a hound dog from The National Geographic Channel. The short video is worth watching, but my favorite part? When the orangutan walks (while rolling on grass) the dog. You just have to see this to believe it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Birthday-o!

My baby brother is celebrating his 27th birthday today. Since my mom asked his family and friends to wish him a Happy Birthday on facebook, as he's currently deployed overseas, I thought I'd wish him a Happy Birthday here too.

Happy Birthday Steven!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Maybe the Beatles were Right

I like Valentine's Day. There, I said it.
Even though I've had a Valentine maybe once in my 33 years of existence and I'm single. I like Valentine's Day. A lot. Why? Because it's a celebration of love. Platonic and romantic, familial, friends..all categories of love.
Oh, sure-the holiday has become commercial and as a candophile-Valentine's Day is a dream come true...but a holiday to celebrate the bonds we have with each other? That's pretty neat, I think.
Rather than dwelling on what I don't have, celebrating what I do have is a much better alternative. I have a wonderful family, a mother who sends me my favorite valentine's candy, a father who sends his children pictures of his deployed son's puppy on Valentine's Day, two brothers, a sister-in law who is awesome, Baby Buhlerette(do we call her Anna now?), extended family I adore, and many friends here in DC and points beyond that I cherish.
When I was younger I thought that the Beatles were pretty simplistic, but the older I get? Maybe they were right. Maybe love is all you need.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Charles Darwin Selects You for Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day!!


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Before and After.....

Mother Nature tried to make-over my car last weekend. And by make-over, I mean completely cover it. Well, with the help of some neighbors, we fought back. Here's the pictures.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Since I've had an impromptu "snow-cation," I've had some time to catch-up on a couple of projects. I finished these 3 calendars and thought, "I'll do another give-away." I'm giving away three 2010 calendars (we're only 2 months into the year, so I think this is still legit).

All you need to do is leave a comment with your name. I'll close the comments Monday morning and announce the winner Monday afternoon or evening. Winners will have 3 days to reply and then I'll get contact information and send out the calendars.

Each wall calendar has been hand embroidered, and has a dowel and matching string (not shown, but I'll include it)to hang it.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mother Nature

14-20+ inches of snow this weekend? Again?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What Am I?