Monday, August 30, 2010

The Emmys

I confess, I didn't watch the Emmy's last night. But after hearing the buzz about the show last night and reading some great "live posts" from Ann Cannon (seriously, if she tweeted, I'd spend more time on Twitter), I was kind of wishing I watched the show last night. However, thanks to Hulu and Twitter, I got to watch the highlights. Okay, I just watched the opening number, but it's definitely worth sharing.

I'm pretty sure I can't consider myself a pop-culture guru anymore since there's two people in the above clip I can't place. Kate Gosselin? I only figured that out because I read about her cameo. However, I know who Jon Hamm is, and that my dears, is all that matters.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sean Penn as an aging rocker?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hugs at your own Risk?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Review: Scott Pilgrim

I attended a screening of Scott Pilgrim vs the World last week and.....I liked it. Now, this film isn't for everyone, it's probably going to be pretty polarizing and I think people will either love or hate Scott Pilgrim and his quest (there's a cute Link reference at the first of the film) to defeat the Seven Evil Exes of his current girlfriend.
First, if you haven't figured it out, this is a comic book film with Michael Cera as the super hero. In fact, the new Captain America (Chris Evans) and the latest Superman (Brandon Routh) are in this film. While it's unlike most comic book movies, the above casting is more than a coincidence, I'm guessing it's probably partly a nod to the fact this film is a comic book film.
Second, the film has a TON of references to old school Nintendo and even Atari games. Even if you didn't own an original Nintendo (me) and consider yourself much of a gamer (me), you'll still get many of these references if you're between 25-40. I'm guessing before the week is out, some video game geek will post on their blog ALL of the video game references to this game.
That being said, this film would fall flat if it wasn't well done. This film is well done. The script is hilarious. You'll be laughing at this film at least every couple of minutes. Also, I mentioned above that Michael Cera is a comic Book "hero." That point alone is hilarious.
As far as the acting goes, overall, the movie is well-done. The seven evil exes are pretty great. A couple fall a little flat, but not enough that it's detrimental to the show. Brandon Routh's character is great as is Chris Evans. The supporting cast? Kieran Culkin is a highlight and many of the laughs revolve around him as Scott's gay roommate. Anna Kendrick as Scott's sister has some great laughs, as does a couple of the band members (Johnny Simmons and Kim Pine). Scott's love interest Knives Chau is a highlight of the film. She acts well and steals nearly every scene she's in. The only disappointment in the cast was Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona Flowers. She looks kick-grass, and I found myself wanting her hair, but her acting falls flat.
As far as Michael Cera goes? Last Summer I found myself really sick of Michael Cera. He plays the same character over and over and it was getting really old. However, even for this die hard Arrested Development fan, I found myself really surprised by Michael Cera's acting chops in this role. Granted, he's playing the same character yet again, but he does it really, really well. He breathes life in a character that could be so one dimensional, and yet somehow is hilarious. There's several moments that really stood out to me (One of the very first scenes with his band when he's talking about what he does with his girl friend), another scene where his girl-friend tells him about the exes and he's fixated on the fact he has a girlfriend who will make out on him and not the battle itself) and just the little things.
Anyway, go see this film if any of the above appeals to you. I did think the comic-book action subtitles got a little old, but overall, this film is great.
Even though this film failed at the box office, I tell ya-this is still going to be a cult classic, and a generation-defining film.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Thanks Laura!!

Yesterday afternoon, a friend told me she'd design a new blog header for me based partly on the television room at Graceland pictured below. Pretty spiffy eh? Thanks a ton Laura, it looks great!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bill, Is That You?

Gallery 1988 in LA recently did a show highlighting art devoted to Ghostbusters, Goonies and Gremlins. My favorite? This wood doll of Bill Murray's character Peter Venkman.

Via /Film

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Thursday afternoon, a micro-burst (I can't believe it wasn't a tornado) went through Alexandria and an estimated 7k trees went down. Our power was out, (didn't come back until Saturday morning) major roads and the metro lines were shut down so it took me 2+hours to get home. Needless to say, we were lucky. In our neighborhood, there were trees down in every yard and at least one house on every block of every street had a tree through their roof or down on their car. Well, we were slated to go to Memphis. After packing with the lights out for the trip and getting 2 hours of sleep because my lungs wouldn't settle down and let me sleep---we were off for a 6:40 am flight, I was starting to think Memphis was a great idea. Our power went back on Saturday morning. I already took our trash out, turned off the AC and opened all the windows. When we got back on Monday, our apartment was surprisingly smell-free but I lost several plants and almost everything in our fridge and freezer except for a few condiments and some produce.
All in all, we had a great time in Memphis, but I'm exhausted. I'll blog later about the trip (which was awesome) but I'm trying to live by Elvis's motto:

......That's "Taking Care of Business....In a Flash.." For those unintiated to Graceland, Elvis came up with this in the late sixties/early seventies and it's on his plane, decorated in his television room in Graceland etc.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Be Still my Carole Burnett Lovin' Heart.

Confession #1: I watch Glee. I'm still two episodes behind, but I started watching it this winter, and it's a guilty pleasure. Jane Lynch as Sue Sylvester? Incredibly funny. Sue's Journal? Sue in bed with the principal in a track suit? Love Sue Sylvester. So when I read that Carol Burnett is going to play Sue Sylvester's mom I mentally did backflips in glee. I've loved Carol Burnett since I can remember and I LOVE her. I've even read her memoirs...and still LOVE her!
Okay, enough of me gushing. Seriously, think of the possibilities. Especially with the backstory already laid down about Sue's family. Via Washington Post

If you don't know this sketch, please click here.

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Hawaiian Haystack Manifesto

I'm a fan of potlucks and church dinners. Food cooked by a bunch of different people? Awesome. I get to eat classic "Mormon" food I don't normally prepare for myself in addition to other dishes, plus I get to talk to people I don't always see while eating. Pretty much a win-win situation in my world.

However, a Hawaiian Haystack themed potluck is one thing that Mormons should put out to pasture permanently. White rice, canned chicken, pineapple and chow-mein all mixed together? I'll eat it, but it's my least favorite "potluck" theme ever. Of course, if I keep talking like this I have a suspicion I'll be asked to be on the activities committee next.

If you love Hawaiian Haystacks, feel free to comment, I promise not to ridicule you, but if you have a more disliked theme for a potluck meal, let me know.
Lungs: I've gone from sounding like I have a six pack a day habit to a one pack a day habit. Progress!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Almost Vegetarian Lemon Zucchini Cornmeal Cookies

Somehow, we’ve got three full bags of powdered sugar in our 2 bedroom apartment. I have a suspicion they are leftovers from cupcakes never made, but I couldn’t tell you for certain. Anyway, when I happened upon a recipe that would use the leftover summer squash in my fridge and powdered sugar, I was sold. Luckily, these little cookies taste great too and are fairly healthy for you too. Well, healthy enough that I didn’t feel too guilty about eating them for breakfast and Kelli triumphantly called them “Vegetarian Cookies!” (Somehow she’s embraced my almost-vegetarianism as much as I have). When Kelli ate them, she said that she loved them so much she wanted to get them pregnant. Now, if that’s not a voucher for these cookies-I’m not sure what is. Enjoy!


Adapted from Everyday Food

Lemon-Zucchini Cornmeal Cookies

  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 1 cup confectioners' sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon packed finely grated lemon zest
  • 1 teaspoon coarse salt
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour (spooned and leveled)
  • 1/2 cup fine cornmeal
  • 1 medium summer squash or zucchini, grated on small holes of a box grater (about 1 cup)


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. In a large bowl, mix butter and sugar with a wooden spoon until pale and fluffy. Stir in vanilla, lemon zest, and salt. Add flour and cornmeal and mix until mixture is crumbly. Add zucchini and stir until a thick dough forms.
  2. Drop dough by rounded tablespoons, 2 inches apart, onto two parchment-lined baking sheets. Bake until cookies are light golden brown at edges, 25 to 30 minutes, rotating sheets halfway through. Let cool completely on wire racks.
Makes 25 cookies.

Notes: I only had summer squash in my fridge so I used it. The cookies were delicious, and although the green specks of a zucchini would make the cookies a little less yellow or orange-feel free to use what you have.

The next time I make these I may add a little bit of spice, but they aren’t lacking for flavor at all.