Sunday, February 20, 2011

In Latest News...

I really do live in a quiet neighborhood. Really. But in the almost three years we've lived there, there's been drug deals go down in Kelli's parking spot, a couple of shootings, and last week a body was discovered in a vehicle just across the street of our house. Apparently, a man decided to kill himself next to the park/tennis courts which is kind of unsettling to everyone. Did I mention it really is a quiet, safe neighborhood?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Who am I: An Easy one...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Love me, Love my NPR

So far this year, I've seen quite a few "alternative" Valentines. However, this year, my favorite ones come from NPR.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Golden God and Friends plus Mississippi!

Occasionally I'll find myself really looking forward to something. When that happens, I often find myself disappointed. The movie, album, or concert just doesn't live up to my expectations. However, occasionally I find something that exceeds my lofty expectations and it makes those expectations worth it.
Last week, I attended a Robert Plant + Friends concert which defied expectations. Seriously great show.
The show started with "The North Mississippi All-Stars" opening. They were spectacular. I haven't seen an opening act that good in several years. By their last couple of numbers, all of Constitution Hall was quiet which is a rarity in opening acts.

Then, Robert Plant and the Band of Joy performed. They opened up with "Houses of the Holy" and it was amazing. Plant sounded great, Buddy Miller tore it up on lead guitar and Patti Griffin sounded great as backup vocals. The show proceeded with a couple of numbers from everyone, then each of the band members would perform a cover of a song. Patti Griffin sounds even better live than on her album (you can't say that of that many singers), Buddy Miller is just great and Darrell Scott amazed us all with his incredible voice. Then there's Robert Plant. His voice is still incredible and somehow he's retained his sex appeal. We were all swooning over Plant.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Rock and Roll Dream

Every once in a while a rock musician shows up in my dreams. I've had several dreams with Dylan making an appearance. We never talk, he just smiles at me. Then there was my favorite rock dream-sitting in an empty theater watching Jerry Garcia play. I woke up after dreaming of Jerry happy, until I realized that I just dreamed of a guy who had been dead for over 10 years. I'm a little superstitious when it comes to dreaming about the dead.
Anyway, last night was a first. I dreamt of a fictional (I think) 60's band called "Wolf." Think Beatles with more blues. Their lead singer was named Wolfie and had perfect hippie hair. My dream was like VH1 Behind the Music and was long. So long that I woke up at least once and went back to dreaming about Wolfie and the gang. Anyway, sometimes dreams rock!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Deja Vu

I just got back from the Doctor's today. I'm on another round of antibiotics for the next three weeks. Both the Doctor and I think it's probably the same infection I had back in October or at least the one in December. This time, it's Amoxicillin, which I've never been able to handle. I explained to the Doctor that I feel like I've been punched in the stomach every time I took it. He told me how to take it "correctly." Wish my stomach luck!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The White Stripes Paint me Blue

I like the White Stripes. A lot. In fact, they are one of my top two favorite bands. So when I heard today that Jack and Meg White called it quits, I feel like someone kicked my puppy. If I had a puppy. Anyway, it's not like they died, and we still have Jack White's many, many projects. But I still feel like it's the definite end of an era, and that makes me blue.