Friday, May 31, 2013


Yesterday was just one of those days where several things went wrong and I received several pieces of unpleasant news.  My car is facing its first major repair.  The car is 13 years old and I've had it for 11 so its about time, but it still isn't the best news.  Then there was a couple of other things.  Needless to say someone chose a goat over me.  I'll stop holding a grudge in a few days and the situation will blow over.  Anyway, by 3:30 in the afternoon, someone asked me for money for a bus ride.  My first thought was, 'yes, I'll give you that money. I need to change my karma.'  I'm not sure if that was the greatest motivation for giving someone else 50 cents, but well, it works for me.  

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Blind Julia Roberts

My morning bus attracts a lot of different characters.  There's the regular blue and white collar folks who ride to work but we also get the occasional homeless person and the day laborers who aren't that far from being homeless and aren't part of the regular bus crowd.  These guys are functional but smell, look and act like alcoholics.  Today one of these "fuctional" alcoholics boarded the bus when I was already sitting down (in the handicapped section).  I had my sunglasses on because the sun was right in my eye.  The next thing I know this guy is having a one sided conversation with himself.  Well, with me, but it was one-sided because I couldn't see him (the glasses) and I decided not to engage him in conversation.
 He asked me if I was blind and then when I didn't respond he started talking to me about blind people.  He then started hitting on me by telling me that my hair looks like Julia Roberts, but I couldn't see it because I was blind.  The Hispanic ladies next to me started giggling because they could understand part of the conversation and realized I wasn't blind.  I then realized I had to get off the bus before this guy, but he was hitting on one of the other women on the bus when I got to my bus stop.  

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Arrested is Back and we're as happy as Tobias in a Roman Centurion Costume.  Oh Arrested Development isn't quite as tight, the pacing is a bit off, there's too much dialogue and comedic bits run a bit too long, but it sure is great to see our Bluths back on TV.