Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Saddest Lungs

Rather than going to church today I'm stuck at home breathless and a bit crippled.  Now, its my own fault.  I'm pretty sure I overdid it yesterday and should have stopped when I was (very minorly) injured in (hopefully my first and only) a freak shopping cart accident and gave myself a black eye with my car door.  But no, I decided to clean this morning...and the house is spotless, but now I'm at home breathless.  At least I feel better than I have for the past 10 days or so.  Progress!
My lungs....

Thursday, July 18, 2013

a crazy kind of love

A couple of years ago, I happened across the book below.  The title made me laugh out loud. Love, really?  I've been meaning to pick up a copy of this book to read, maybe this fall.  That title maybe lost in translation, but the author is Russian, so maybe not.

Amazon Link

Monday, July 15, 2013

My Kind of Town...

I spent the 4th of July Holiday in Chicago with my parents and youngest brother.  We ate, we argued about McDonalds, we saw two baseball games, went on an architecural boat tour.  All in all, I think everyone enjoyed themselves and my brother and dad were ready to go back to Chicago (they had never been).

From Left: The building with what looks like a #4 on it was the "sexy" building  according to the tour guide.  Steven excited about having been to Wrigley Field.  A Family bean selfie.  Love the bean (okay, Cloud Gate). 

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Miracle Martha

Every once in a while, a recipe or food technique comes around, and people who read recipes recreationally and cook as a hobby (not always the same people), get excited.  A few years ago the recipe that was "revolutional" was Jim Lahey's no-knead bread technique.

Last month, Martha Stewart Living published a recipe for one-pot spaghetti.  Within days, almost every food blog I read had mentioned it.  I saw the recipe several times on Pinterest and got a little excited.  A recipe with fresh ingredients that you throw in a pot, boil and get spaghetti?  Well, I tried the one pan pasta recipe and yes, this is something that everyone can make, and the recipe tastes great.  The pasta cooks simultaneously in broth which cooks down to make a richly flavored sauce.  The recipe takes about 15 minutes to make and the ingredients are all ones I had in my garden or can easily be purchased at the grocery store.
One Pan Pasta Recipe: