Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mustaches of no Consequence..or Random stuff in the News..

1)Early last month I vaguely recall a rumor that Billy Corgan and Jessica Simpson hooked up and then I promptly put it out of mind because well......Ewww! Needless to say, I'm puzzled over this hookup. Billy Corgan. Jessica Simpson. Really?*

2) The Blogger formerly known as Smash has an interesting perspective on Sen. Reid.

3) Billy Corgan. Jessica Simpson. Huh.

4) When hearing the news that Mark McGuire admitted his use of steroids yesterday, did anyone else think, "I thought he admitted using several years ago. This is news?"

5) So, Bradley Whitford grew a mustache for a show he's doing on Fox with Colin Hanks. Mustache below:
*With the frequency I've been blogging as of late, I know I'm going to get really sick of seeing J.Simpson's mug on the front page of this blog. Must blog more.


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