Sunday, September 26, 2010


While Steven and I were in Switzerland, our Great-Aunt Verna passed away. While her death wasn't a surprise (she had terminal cancer), we all still miss my grandmother's only sibling. Here's a picture from about 30 years ago of Verna taking a picture of myself and my cousin Trudy. Verna's big smile? That was really the expression I remember most of my aunt.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Back from Switzerland

I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I kind of miss my little brother. After spending 2 weeks with's a little weird not having him around. He was fun to be with, even when he told me that his dog is cooler than me....and listed 4 or 5 reasons why Bruno (one of his dogs) trumps his oldest sibling.

Steven posing with cheese in Lenk em Simmental (Simmental Valley is where our Swiss ancestors are from)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

10 Days After Surgery

Me in 10 days, except we won't have poles and I'm pretty sure I couldn't pay my brother to wear a scarf. Really.

So, what does one do 10 days after "lung surgery"? Why, take a transcontinental flight to Switzerland to embark on a hiking trek for 7-8 days and then over to Provence for 4 days. I'm the first person to admit that this may not be a good idea. But hey, I'm game for an adventure! (Okay, I'm almost always game for "adventure")

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Birdie Birdie on the blanket...

Although I have a comforter I still need to finish, I found myself completely taken with these "vintage" linens from West Elm. Someday.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

While Reading "Faith Preceds the Miracle"

I've been reading "Faith precedes the Miracle" by Spencer W. Kimball during my daily nebulizer treatments. Although the book reads quickly, it's turning into a bit of an albatross around my neck. The book's references are more dated than "Miracle of Forgiveness," and then there's President Kimball's admonition towards women. Although, I understand that a good part of President Kimball's belief is cultural, I was still a little surprised to read,
" You see Mary, it was never intended by the Lord that married women should compete with men in employment."
Although President Kimball does say in an earlier chapter that women may work in "emergencies," I was still a little taken aback to read those lines. I'm still trudging book this book, and have found some great passages-or at least decent lines, but there's probably a reason this book is out of print, while "Miracle of Forgiveness" is still available at a LDS bookstore near you.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Suspiciously Indeed

Memphis 2010

While we were in Memphis, we headed over to the Rock and Roll and Soul Museum. Although we’ve had three days (really, is three enough) of Mr. Presley, this little exhibit inspired Kelli. Suspicious about the inspiration of these fuzzy photos? An Elvis jumpsuit and the organ that was used on “Suspicious Minds.”
