Monday, December 13, 2010

Cherry Chews (BYU Bakery Recipe)

The BYU Bakery is known for two desserts-their mint brownies and Cherry Chews. Personally, the mint brownies are far inferior to these cookies (and I'm a fan of mint brownies).
I’ve seen people online and in cooking magazines looking for this recipe. Once you take a couple bites, you’ll understand why these cookies have a cult following. There’s no pictures of the cookies because they go too fast, but they should look pink (light pink, unless you use a little food dye). Taste-wise, they taste like cherry almond happiness. Yes, happiness is a taste.

Cherry Chews
1-9x13 pan
6 egg whites
1.75 cups flour
1.75 cups sugar
½ t salt
1.5 t vanilla
1 cup glazed cherries
½ cup shortening
¾ cups chopped nuts

Beat egg white until form peaks. Fold in sugar. Mix in vanilla. Whip in shortening. Reserve 2 tablespoon flour, fold in remaining flour. Dust cherries & nuts with 2 tablespoons flour & fold into batter. Baked in greased & floured 9x13 inch baking dish. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes.


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