Saturday, February 9, 2013


Ah, so where have I been?  Pretty much just trying to breathe.  I had sinus surgery on January 7th.Turns out I have a deviated septum and a couple of other problems.  I also have no right upper sinus cavity (congenital birth defect) and my lower sinus cavities were formed upside down (mine look like triangles, they should look funnels)  The two birth defects can't be fixed, but the surgeon went in and fixed the septum and took care of the stuff that could be fixed which already has made a bit of a difference.

Luckily my dad came out for a week to help out.  He did and we (of course) watched a lot of World War II era movies and mini-series.  We both agree that Ali McGraw is maybe the worst actress ever (Winds of War) and that Detective Chief Superintendent Christopher Foyle is pretty great.  We also spent some time in DC on his last day here touring the Smithsonian Museums. We tagged along on a tour of the "star" section of the air and space museum which we both enjoyed.
Anyway back to me.  I've been healing alright but it took a couple of weeks to settle my stomach and I got another sinus infection and bronchitis.  I'm now just trying to heal naturally from the bronchitis and sinus infection because both the ENT, pulmonologist and me agrees that I should try to heal naturally from the infections first before I go back on antibiotics. I've also been told the sinus surgery is healing just nicely, which is great.  

So next week I'm going back to the Yucatan for a week long vacation.  I'm going with Kelli and Abby.  Kelli is healing from a herniated disc and is literally learning how to walk again in PT.  That has been fun for her.  Abby was feeling horrible that she fractured her heel last week.  However, she fits right in with the two of us. Anyway, the trip should still be pretty great.  


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