Wednesday, July 29, 2009

(Not so) Wordless

I love President Clinton. I don't think he was a horrible president, I think that the Lewinsky deal was stupid, and hamstringed his presidency for the second term.
Some of his policies worked well, some--not so well. He isn't a liberal commie pig, as someone I know would call him, in fact some of his administration's policies that would be considered conservative are those I really don't like. Getting rid of the OPM Personnel Handbook? Reduction in paper, yes but it totally stripped that agency and the Federal HR community is still affected adversely by that knuckleheaded move.
However, I still think he's a brilliant politician, and he's working on a post-presidency legacy that's to be admired.
But there's something about President Clinton, a Joe Biden quality perhaps, that makes me giddy when I see a picture or hear about him. Although he's known to be the most charismatic politician of his generation, there's something about him that is just so human. The brilliant Darrell Hammond's lampoon of President Clinton, the womanizing, slightly redneck southerner? Doesn't seem so far-fetched when you listen to him, or see a picture of him like the one above. That quality? That's what I find appealing-even if it may have cost his wife the Presidency.

Picture originally found at the site below:

(Feel free to agree, disagree, yell at me, whatever. Just be respectful.)


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