Monday, July 6, 2009

Political Roundup: Patriotic Pride Edition.

Man Set me Up
One perk about living in VA, but working in DC, is that I have front row seats to the Marion Berry Show, but he's not one of my elected officials. The latest caper? Arrested on stalking charges Saturday night. Seriously. DC's former infamous Mayor is still his own sad stranger than fiction 3-ring circus. And yes, even after all of the drug problems of the '80s and '90s, he was elected several years ago to the DC City Council.

Rock-Bottom Republicans

When Rush Limbaugh is the de-facto leader of the Republican Party, it's pretty easy to say the Party has hit rock-bottom. But after this past week? I'm pretty sure we haven't seen bottom yet.
Sarah Palin has all but declared her 2012 presidency. Even though I'm first to admit that she's been an unfair media target (about half of it has been self-inflicted), her style of poltics is way too reactionary for my tastes.
The party is going to be fractured even more if she does run, if that's possible. Which is a boon for the Democrats, but this country needs two strong political parties.
Now with Palin in the mix, and one of their possible 2012 contenders sounding more like a Harlequin Romance writer than a governor, well-I'm not sure this week was rock-bottom for the Republicans. I'm afraid we're going to see more implosions from the Republicans, before the Republican party re-emerges.
That being said, Gov. Marc Sanford--after this past week, it's clear who the political mind is in your family. You didn't get where you were on your own brains sir, or you must've left them in Argentina. Has anyone else noticed Jenny Sanford's fashion taste this past week? Kudos to her!


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