Thursday, October 29, 2009

Poor Baby Caesar Salad....

I wasn't sure if I could finish Creep Week, but I found a great final entry. Here we have Martha Stewart gushing about babiess in costume. Now, costumed babies are adorable. Baby bumblebees anyone? However, these babies....are a little like a Ann Geddes film shoot as envisioned by Tim Burton. Creepy in my book. The best thing about this it isn't a parody. No, this is an actual Martha Stewart Show presenting how you too can make a baby turkey costume.

The Enchanting World of Kitty Wigs

A few years ago, I was introduced to the fabulous world of "Dancing with Cats." So fabulous in fact that a book was published about this phenomenon, and I owned a copy for a while. Recently though, I stumbled across a similar trend-"Kitty Wigs," by Julie Jackson-the creator of Subversive Cross-Stitch.
For those cat-lovers in the world, I apologize to you, but even pictures of cats creep me out (One of the creepiest places in the DC Metro Area is the "Stray Cat," which is decorated with 12x16 portraits of cats). So, as Thursday's entry of Creep Week 2009, I give you, images from "Kitty Wigs."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy Birthday

Finding a picture of Richard to fit into "Creep Week?" Thank you Nicole for this Classic. This works perfectly! But really, Richard is maybe the least creepy person I know in real life.
Happy 29th Rich!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


In the mood for a freaky, creepy little tale? Have I one for you. I'm almost thinking I have the tolerance of a 9 year old for these kind of movies, but Coraline was creepy. Don't let that stop you from watching it however-the tale of a little girl who discovers another family with buttons for eyes who wants her is enchanting, breathtaking at times, and even kind of funny. The animation is phenomenal and the voice acting is solid. After watching "Phoebe in Wonderland" recently, and now this-Dakota Fanning is fast becoming a favorite child star. She does a great job voicing Coraline. The ending is intense-you know how it ends, but there's still a few moments where you jump. Or at least I did.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Roundup: SasSquirrel Edition

1) This weekend included the movie "Whip It!" I was hoping the film would be pretty good, and I cracked up a lot. The story was cute, the acting solid and it was fun. Drew Barrymore is on a roll after her stellar performance in "Grey Gardens," and she shows great promise as a director.

2) Friday, I went on a hunt for an albino squirrel on the National Mall. No minature Yeti was sighted lasty week, we'll see if I go back to confirm the first initial sighting.

What DC's albino squirrel may look like....Looks like a cousin of Bunnicula.

3) The Yankees finally exorcised the Angels, winning in 6 games. Although the Angels were pesky as always, the Yankees played superior ball. Now onto the Phillies on Wednesday.

4) Yesterday was the annual Del Ray Parade. Since I have no dog or child yet, I didn't enter the parade-but had a great time watching the spectacle. The categories were pets (highlights were the lobster-bulldog, elephant chihuaua etc.), children and adults, and strollers. This family won the stroller competition. If you're in Alexandria next year, you should check it out!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Creepy Factor +1

Remember the creepy vinyl of Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) from Twilight? Well, I can't decide if this is creepier.
Maybe I'd rather have "Be Safe" on my bedroom wall. On second thought, maybe not.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Round Up: Shut-in Version

1) I think the seasonal flu shot gave me the flu over Columbus Day weekend. I thought I was doing okay late last week, but then I started feeling a chest cold Saturday coming on and I've been in our apartment since. I'm fine, I've got Gatorade, expectorant, a Wii, comfort food, a nebulizer just in case and I've even been able to work some from home. Hopefully I'll be able to go to work on Wednesday.

2) Yankees: Up 2-1 against the Angels. They didn't have it last night, and I'm really hoping the game tonight goes better and they are better to head back to the Bronx with one game up. They can't expect to strand guys on base like that and still have a chance against the Angels.

3) Television: For the playoffs, I bought a antenna for our television to get the basic broadcast channels. I don't quite feel out of sync with the world, and well-commericals are cooler when you go long stretches without watching any tv. That being said, I kind of miss my 1.5 years of no TV. We'll see if I put the antenna away after the play-offs. Hmm, I think I've turned into one of "those people."

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Literal Videos

Apparently, there's a ton of videos on Youtube where people make up lyrics that sing exactly what's going on in the video. Sometimes they are a little too "Weird Al" for me, but this? This version of "Total Eclipse of the Heart?" Not bad.

Wordless: East Coast, West Coast Edition

Friday, October 9, 2009

Nutella-Health Food

Anyone see those Nutella commercials touting Nutella as an addition to a healthy, wholesome breakfast? They make me chuckle because Nutella isn't a "health" food. Reading the nutritional label, a single 37 gram serving of Nutella (two tablespoons) contains 11 grams of fat and 21 grams of sugar. Half of the 200 calories in each serving come from fat.
I like Nutella as much as the next person (peanutbutter and nutella sandwiches are awesome), but slathering Nutella on healthy food to get kids to eat more nutritious? It's like gobbing salad dressing or mayo on Vegetables. You still get your veggies, and that's good-and getting picky kids to eat healthy is a battle, but naked veggies, with just a little bit of flavoring? Better. Nutella as part of a healthy breakfast? Small amounts of Nutella would fit right in, but........

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Queen Mary Who?

If there has to be a cruise ship docked in the small coastal town you're visiting, the Queen Mary 2 is about the best cruise ship I can think of to share a town with. Besides, it's not a cruise ship, it's an ocean liner, and the only active ocean liner in duty. We were out whale watching (no whales, I swear I'm cursed-but that's another blog post for another day) all day, and the Queen Mary was leaving as we pulled up. The downside though? There was a Carnival cruise ship in the harbor also.

Monday, October 5, 2009

A little taste of Maine

Ive been in Maine since Friday and still have a few days left of my first taste "Down East." There's been lobsters, bird carving museums, tide pools, sea birds, and so many gorgeous views that the words pretty, gorgeous and beautiful have been beaten today. And today? Whale watching.