Thursday, April 29, 2010


I admit it, I don't like cops. I've tried for years to change my attitude, and there are great cops out there-plus cops provide a invaluable service to society, but I hate seeing one cop doing something small or big that makes it easy for people like me to continue to dislike them as a whole.

Yesterday morning, walking to the bus station, I encountered a cop parked in the middle of the separate pedestrian/bike walk-way on Route 1 (a major road in Northern Virginia). Now, it was 6AM, but a surprising amount of people are out every day walking, jogging, riding their bikes to work at that time of the morning and this cop was parked in such a way that a bicyclist would have to get off the bike to get around him. I looked around to see if the cop had other places to park. He did, there were actually several other places around where a cop could park his car and not be noticeably seen by motorists. Although this is a little thing, Cops shouldn't be using roads that are clearly marked for no motor vehicles for their use. Especially when there's other alternatives in the immediate area.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Inexplicable Love

I've fallen hard. I can't really explain it in words that aren't florid or trite. My love isn't logical, analytical and frankly, I'm a little confused about these feelings. Despite my confusion, I'm still drawn to the object of my affection:

Now, I wouldn't drag someone into a bathroom just to see an ad for the Ford Flex,*but a highlight of last week? Discovering a neighbor bought one of these. I feel a little conflicted, I don't love American made cars (my affair with Mustangs and late model Cadilacs doesn't count-as I've had that since I was a wee lass). Then there's the granola/hippy side of me who is dismayed by the site of this BIG car! However, don't worry, Garp (my Mazda Protege) isn't going anywhere. For 3 or four years at least.

*About 2 years ago, a certain roommate of mine may have come out of the Nationals Park Bathroom and told me I had to come in there to see "something." When most people say "I've got to show you something in a public bathroom, I would run, but since I know "this roommate" well enough to be amused, I followed her in. The "something" was a "Zig-Zag-Zug" Mini-Cooper Ad.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Round-up: "I'm your Cupcake" Edition

The Weekend: The highlight of the weekend? Spending Saturday afternoon on bikes with 6 friends riding to three cupcake shops in DC and then back home to Alexandria. We didn't get to go to the Alexandria shop due to my blue lips (I was fine-wind and pollen makes my lungs work a little harder) but still a great ride. Out of the three cupcake shops we visited, Georgetown Cupcakes was the winner. There's a reason the line goes around the block there on a Saturday afternoon.

Monday: I ended up attending a Mormons for Social Justice and Equality Family Home . Yes, this group really exists and apparently is thriving. I've read and heard about them, but haven't really paid attention to them much. Despite the somewhat militant name, we had a marvelous time talking about the environment and eating vegetarian nachos.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Black Bottom Banana Bars

This recipe has it all: alliteration, banana taste that borders on brownie texture, sort of healthy for you (it could be worse) and chocolate for those of you who are into that sort of thing!  I've been making this recipe for years, I think I first found it in my mom's Taste of Home Magazine (either that, or she made it first-I can't remember).  Here you go:

Black Bottom Banana Bars from Taste of Home magazine

  • 1/2 cup butter, softened
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1-1/2 cups mashed ripe bananas (about 3 medium)
  • 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup baking cocoa


  • In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in egg and vanilla. Stir in the bananas. Combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt; add to creamed mixture and mix well.
  • Divide batter in half. Add cocoa to half; spread into a greased 13-in. x 9-in. baking pan. Spoon remaining batter on top and swirl with a knife.
  • Bake at 350° for 25 minutes or until the a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool a wire rack. Yield: 2-1/2 to 3 dozen.

A cross between a cake-brownie and banana bread, a great recipe to use when you want to expand your banana repertoire beyond banana bread.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Random Thoughts:

Work: I still feel a little like Max from Rushmore; you know, the kid who signs up for all those extracurricular activities? Except, I'm not the one who is volunteering myself for projects, teams and new assignments on top of my regular duties. That being said, I'm glad I have a job, and these new assignments are interesting. Plus I'm meeting a bunch of new people. I like that.

Earthquakes: I received the following in a work e-mail today. I thought I'd pass it along:
Earthquake Activity not Abnormal
Source: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) - April 14, 2010
Scientists for the US Geological Survey indicate that 2010 is not showing signs of unusually high earthquake activity. Since 1900, an average of sixteen (16) magnitude 7 or greater earthquakes — the size that seismologists define as major — have occurred worldwide each year. Some years have had as few as 6, as in 1986 and 1989, while 1943 had 32, with considerable variability from year to year.
With six major earthquakes striking in the first four months of this year, 2010 is well within the normal range. Furthermore, from April 15, 2009, to April 14, 2010, there have been 18 major earthquakes, a number also well within the expected variation.
Aftershocks will continue in the regions around each of this year’s major earthquakes sites. It is unlikely that any of these aftershocks will be larger than the earthquakes experienced so far, but structures damaged in the previous events could be further damaged and should be treated with caution. Beyond the ongoing aftershock sequences, earthquakes in recent months have not raised the likelihood of future major earthquakes; that likelihood has not decreased, either. Large earthquakes will continue to occur just as they have in the past.

Glee: I finally got around to watching the first disc of "Glee" and I liked it okay. The show is fun, doesn't take itself too seriously and I'm a sucker for the covers. I can't say I'll actually follow it on Hulu, but I might netflix the 2nd season. After the episode with Kurt joining the football team, I realized I don't need to hear the song "Single Ladies" for a while though. Yeah, I'm slower than the rest of you, I'm sure. (although the video of the family singing to this song on youtube? Must-see).

Beckett: Last night Kelli and I went to the French Embassy to watch a Samuel Beckett play, "First Love (Premier Amour) " performed by a renowned French actor (with English subtitles). Powerful, disturbing play about a homeless guy who has a sexual relationship with a prostitute. Yes, it's not for everyone, but wow, it was pretty powerful stuff, and I like art that expands my world-view without actually being a prostitute who has an affair with a homeless person.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wordless: Great Falls MD

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Guess what this dress is made out of......

Monday, April 5, 2010

Roundup: The Go Butler Edition!!

1) LDS Conference*:
Conference was great. I had several issues/questions that I hoped I'd find guidance with and each one (that I remember) were answered. To keep my mind focused, I followed the LDS Conference Twitter Feed. Although there was white noise to filter out, I found that it was valuable for note taking because I could do a quick search for memorable quotes.
Anyway, there were many talks that were memorable, and I may talk about it in length in another post. We'll see.
I did spot my favorite General Authority on Saturday afternoon giving the statistics of the Church:

*LDS General Conference: A bi-annual world conference of the Church, held in April and October, where members gather for five two-hour sessions to listen to instruction from Church leaders. General conference is broadcast via satellite from the Conference Center at Church Headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah.

2) Conceding Speech: Twitter
Fine, I know I ranted last fall about the fact that Twitter is superfluous. But after realizing that certain food wagons in DC only use Twitter to advertise where they are located, the NPR Monkey See "I'll read it if you read it" Book-club uses twitter, Yankees Reporters use Twitter, I caved this weekend. I still see Twitter as a potential time sucker, but I imagine I'll be on there a little more often.

3) Dear Duke:
Thanks for making it to the NCAABB Title Game. I'm not rooting for you, partly because I had you losing in my Bracket; but thanks to you, I won Smokey's Bracket again and I beat President Obama. Now, I know that because I'm bragging, I'll probably lose badly next year, but for now I'm just happy I won. Even if it means that one of Richard's friends may name their bracket "Kill-Joy" again next year like they did a few years ago.

Best of luck tonight,
Sherpa (Joy)

4) Quakin'
4 months in, and already I wonder if this is "Year of the Quake?" Sheesh. It's almost like we're in God's Major Quake of the Month Club. This keeps up and an earthquake in the low 7's won't be considered news worthy. Glad to hear there's minimal damage down in Baja and S. California.

5) Netflix on Demand? I love you.

Sunday, I discovered that Friday Night Lights season 3 is available on Netflix on Demand. A little Tim Riggins before Conference? Talk about a perfect Sunday.

6) Complete Non Sequitur

Found this picture on FFFound...If it brought a smile to this Cat-Hater, it might bring one to you too.

Hope you all have a great week!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Muppets (and me) Wish You a Happy Easter!

Another great short from The Muppets!  Love the monsters….

Friday, April 2, 2010

Random Stuff: 3 More Days!!

1) I went to REI last night with my beater mt bike, a new frame from Performance and walked out with a Novara Bonita Mt bike that was on sale. I'm still shocked I did that, but it was a right choice, I think. I hope.

2) I bought a ticket to Zurich, Switzerland today. Half of September will be spent traipsing around the Alps while eating bread and dairy products and yelling at my baby brother. Best vacation ever! (we only yell at each other the first couple of days we're together, then we're pretty tight). Time to tighten up the purse strings so I can afford a little sausage and apples on our trip too!

3) I kind of like/loathe this week in DC. On the one hand, the cherry blossoms are breathtaking. On the other hand, the pollen counts are through the roof which makes for two super neurotic lungs and there are HORDES of people in DC which makes going from point a to point b super tough whether riding the bike or taking any type of transportation.

4) This weekend looks to be gorgeous..but I may be spending a good part of it inside sewing (see above) which actually makes me happy. Mostly though, I'm looking forward to buying a cadbury egg so I can celebrate the end of giving up candy for lent in style.

5) Work has been wild, but I've been told I can't talk about it. No, I haven't been sworn into the Human Resources Secret Agent Squad Division of the CIA. Not yet anyway (one can dream!). Disclaimer: as far as I know, they don't exist.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My New Favorite Band