Thursday, April 29, 2010


I admit it, I don't like cops. I've tried for years to change my attitude, and there are great cops out there-plus cops provide a invaluable service to society, but I hate seeing one cop doing something small or big that makes it easy for people like me to continue to dislike them as a whole.

Yesterday morning, walking to the bus station, I encountered a cop parked in the middle of the separate pedestrian/bike walk-way on Route 1 (a major road in Northern Virginia). Now, it was 6AM, but a surprising amount of people are out every day walking, jogging, riding their bikes to work at that time of the morning and this cop was parked in such a way that a bicyclist would have to get off the bike to get around him. I looked around to see if the cop had other places to park. He did, there were actually several other places around where a cop could park his car and not be noticeably seen by motorists. Although this is a little thing, Cops shouldn't be using roads that are clearly marked for no motor vehicles for their use. Especially when there's other alternatives in the immediate area.


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