Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Nature's Pyschopaths

I've been watching the BBC Documentary called "Blue Planet" on Sundays before church.  I find the show relaxing and informative--except for the Killer Whales.  Just when everything is hunky dory, the Killer Whales show up, stalk baby sea mammals and kill them for recreation.  Just watch...

Here's a clip of Killer Whales going after Sea Lions.

This clip would be a pod of Killer Whales stalking a gray whale calf.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Single Ward Announcement

I haven't said too much on here about being single and LDS or talking about the 31-55 age Singles Ward (congregation) I used to be a member of. 

Before I continue, I really think the ward serves a purpose and will and continue to be an asset to the Stake I attend and the community.  The older singles do need activities and venues to meet each other which this ward does a good job of providing. 
Personally I met many great people in our older singles award that I'm lucky to count as friends.  However, I realized after 9 months that I personally need to be in a family ward which is why I went back.

For a long time I didn't e-mail about the singles community in the church for various reasons, but even though there's a personal need for me to show the LDS church in the best possible way, I think it's okay for me to publish the letter below...................

Dear Sisters,

I just wanted to let you know that we have had seven men move into the Pontiac* Ward in the last three weeks.   I am confident that all ward members will welcome these brethren into our ward family!

I am just trying to keep everyone posted on positive ward events.  (grin)


Bishop Jones*

*Name Change
(I didn't change the format however).


Monday, March 14, 2011

Weekend Accomplishment

I did this to a friend's kite on Saturday on the (National) Mall.  So, was your weekend?

Flying kites is a great time when you don't put someone elses not cheap kite into a large tree.
I did get the kite out with no damage inccured to the kite.  Yeah!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Calvert County Daytrip---

A few weeks ago Kelli and I decided to spend part of the day gnoshing on seafood, gawking at rays and skates and attempting to be fossil hunters.

We started the day at "Stoney's Seafood House" in Solomons Island, MD.  I'm almost ashamed to say I've ate at Stoney's four times but each time is so excellent I don't have a desire to explore another restaurant in the area.  We ordered buffalo style rockfish (better than many buffalo wings I've had), rockfish gyro and cheesy shrimp and grits.  All dishes were crowd pleasers (Kelli and Joy pleasers, I should say).  After eating while gazing out over an inlet at the bay and feeling sorry for a one legged sea gull, we headed over to our next destination,  The Calvert Marine Museum. 

Although both Kelli and I have been to the museum at least three or four times, we both really love this museum.  The Calvert Marine Museum was closed the day we were there , but we were still allowed to walk around the museum (for free).

The Calvert Marine Museum is one of the best small town museums I've ever visited.  Small town museums that focus primarily and in-depth on their local natural and anthropological history are a treasure in my opinion, and this museum delivers.  There's marine exhibits (and aquariums) on bay life, a large display showcasing the oyster business, boats, and even a couple of otters.  There's also a gem of a fossil display talking about the various fossils found in Calvert Cliffs.  Several rooms are devoted to the fossils.  The museum's presentation is perfect-not dumb downed, but still engaging with a couple of quirky details that makes the rooms oddly endearing.   For example, hidden amongst other displays is a quirky exhibit about fossilized alligator poop that was found in a fossilized shark's stomach.  Paleontologists are unable to tell how the feces got in the shark's stomach so there was a couple of possible scenarios presented.  There was even a couple of alligator feces on display.

After we went through the museum, we headed straight to the Calvert Cliffs State Park.  I had heard that there's quite a few fossils-plus the public is able to take whatever fossils they find.  The "best" part of the State Park are the "fossil beaches" on the Chesapeake Bay.  Most of the beach is covered during high tide though so watching the tide charts at Chesapeake Beach is suggested for a better trip.

Anyway, we walked along the beach for a while and started seeing shards of fossilized shells.  Then we noticed that there was a hillside full of decomposed fossilized clam shells.  After that, we started coming upon a few pretty cool finds.  We spoke to a father and son who informed us the best fossils were right around the mouth of a creek close to us.  Kelli decided to wade in the creek since the temperature was in the "balmy" high 40's and found several really cool fossils.  After that we headed back to avoid hiking in the dark, but not before Kelli exclaimed, "today was pretty much a perfect day!"  Indeed.

Clockwise from top left-Kell with a complete shell, Kelli in the creek, Kelli as we were leaving, the cliffs, Joy, fossil, the beach.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dance, Sam, Dance!

Somehow I neglected to share this last week, but well, this video has aged well (kind of like a fine wine or cheese) in my head.  Here's a video of the actor Sam Rockwell dancing in various movies.  Mr. Rockwell's most well-known role is in the "Ironman" movies, but he's done quite a few Indy films that are great cinema.

In my opinion, he's one of the most talented actors of his "generation,"  but whether or not you agree with that-we both could probably agree.......that Mr. Rockwell likes to get his groove on and will probably put a smile on your face!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Smart Viral?

Okay, there's a "Smart Water" viral video with Jennifer Aniston that's been going around the past couple of days.  I've embedded the video below: 

Okay, now that you've seen it, what do you think?  Some people love this video and that's cool.  Personally, I'm lukewarm about this viral video but maybe it's because I read this condemning post from "The Daily What" before I sat down and watched it yesterday. 

Here's the meat of the "Daily What's" opinion:
From self-describing itself as “viral,” through its glib, Revenge of the Nerds-esque portrayal of “Internet boys,” to its employment of memes that are quite literally as old as the Internet, this video was clearly produced by people who not only lack a basic familiarity with Internet culture, but appear to be openly disdainful of the Internet and anyone who uses it.

While I don't quite feel that the people who produced the video are openly disdainful of internet culture, the video falls a little flat for me. 

Anyway, I'm a little surprised about the variety of reactions from the video above.  If you feel so inclined, let us know how you feel about the video.  If you love it, that's okay.       

Monday, March 7, 2011


I'm bothered by the Brandon Davies saga. I think BYU did the right thing by suspending Davies, but what bothers me is the publicity. Here's a 20 or so year old kid who had consensual sex with his girlfriend and now the whole nation knows about his mistake and he's going to be known by many people as "that" Brandon Davies throughout the country. That punishment seems pretty harsh to me.
I can't figure out in my head a way where BYU could continue to uphold the honor code and keep the offender's discretions private, but even though Davies is a representative of the school and a very public face of the standards of the school, the punishment still seems pretty harsh.

On another note, my ward now lets women say the opening prayer in Sacrament Meeting since December. This makes my little feminist heart happy every Sunday.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Random Thoughts

1) BYU Basketball: There's been non-stop talk about Brandon Davies for the past several days. My thoughts? How would it be to have your sins broadcast to the whole nation who can't seem to stop talking about it. Poor kid.

2) Charlie Sheen: Although it's temptingly easy to make Charlie Sheen jokes, the guy is mentally ill. Here's Craig Ferguson talking about why he's dropping Sheen jokes (I tweeted this last week, but still think it's great).

3) I already facebooked this, but I love it, so here you go:

Tom Hanks should make more comedies. Really, he's awesome.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Via "The Daily What"

I never attended BYU, but I don't think the Daily Universe has much on this one.