Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Single Ward Announcement

I haven't said too much on here about being single and LDS or talking about the 31-55 age Singles Ward (congregation) I used to be a member of. 

Before I continue, I really think the ward serves a purpose and will and continue to be an asset to the Stake I attend and the community.  The older singles do need activities and venues to meet each other which this ward does a good job of providing. 
Personally I met many great people in our older singles award that I'm lucky to count as friends.  However, I realized after 9 months that I personally need to be in a family ward which is why I went back.

For a long time I didn't e-mail about the singles community in the church for various reasons, but even though there's a personal need for me to show the LDS church in the best possible way, I think it's okay for me to publish the letter below...................

Dear Sisters,

I just wanted to let you know that we have had seven men move into the Pontiac* Ward in the last three weeks.   I am confident that all ward members will welcome these brethren into our ward family!

I am just trying to keep everyone posted on positive ward events.  (grin)


Bishop Jones*

*Name Change
(I didn't change the format however).



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