Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hi There!

Rather than recap the past year or talk about my goals for 2010, here's a short cartoon from Pixar. Ever wonder what happened to George and Al from "Up?" The cartoon ties up some loose ends.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's a Mystery

The past couple of days, I've came across a couple of unsolved mysteries. The first one happened a few days ago. I've been working on a scarf when all of a sudden, the knitting needles disappeared. At first I wondered if it was Josie-Monster, but there's no way that puppy could've pulled out the needle and left the scarf intact.. I'm pretty sure my dear grandmother took the knitting needle out of the scarf, hid it somewhere with the other needle and then forgot where she put the needles. Oh well.

Yesterday evening when I arrived home to Virginia, I decided to put in one of our netflix movies only to discover that all three were missing. My apartment isn't that big, and they weren't in their usual places. I'm hoping that my roommate took them to Utah with her.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Actual Conversation This Morning

Steve: I got you a t-shirt with my favorite fish, but I forgot it.
Joy: Okay.
Steve: Guess the fish.
Joy: Um, Cutthroat Trout?
Steven: Actually it was my favorite subspecies. Guess.
Joy: I don't know.
Mom: Colorado Cutthroat.
Steve: Right

Merry Christmas!!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

On the 7th Day of Christmas, X-Mas Joy Shared with you her Favorite X-Mas Songs

Like most people; Christian or Jew, atheist or Hindu, I like Christmas songs. Even "Joy to the World" which I have a love-hate relationship with. Even though "Joy to the World was my second-least favorite nickname off of my first name, I still think it's a gorgeous song. Here's a list of 4 of my favorite Christmas songs, or the one's I'm thinking of right now, in no particular order really.

4) "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas."
Ms. Judy Garland's introduction of this song to the world is still my favorite version of the song. "Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas" was introduced in the film,"State Fair" in 1944-towards the end of World War 2.

3) Joni Mitchell's "River" Still has the power to stop me in my tracks whether I hear it in a store, on TV or my ipod. While not strictly a Christmas song, "River" tells the story of a broken relationship near the Christmas season.

Lyrics to "River" by Joni Mitchell.
It's coming on Christmas
They're cutting down trees
They're putting up reindeer
And singing songs of joy and peace
Oh I wish I had a river
I could skate away on
But it don't snow here
It stays pretty green
I'm going to make a lot of money
Then I'm going to quit this crazy scene
I wish I had a river
I could skate away on
I wish I had a river so long
I would teach my feet to fly
Oh I wish I had a river
I could skate away on
I made my baby cry

He tried hard to help me
You know, he put me at ease
And he loved me so naughty
Made me weak in the knees
Oh I wish I had a river
I could skate away on
I'm so hard to handle
I'm selfish and I'm sad
Now I've gone and lost the best baby
That I ever had
Oh I wish I had a river
I could skate away on
I wish I had a river so long
I would teach my feet to fly
Oh I wish I had a river
I could skate away on
I made my baby say goodbye

It's coming on Christmas
They're cutting down trees
They're putting up reindeer
And singing songs of joy and peace
I wish I had a river
I could skate away on

2) "I'll Be Home For Christmas"
Many people associate Christmas Elvis with "Blue Christmas." Me, my favorite Elvis Christmas standard is possibly "I'll be Home for Christmas."

1) "Silent Night" I would be disowned if I didn't include the Mo Tab. No, I really do like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir a lot even if my mom would turn it up loud on Sunday mornings to wake me up. Here's Walter Cronkite telling the WWI Silent Night Story as an introduction to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

Now, this list of X-mas songs is by no means conclusive. I haven't even got to Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, Bing, Harry Connick, Rosemary Clooney, The Beach Boys, Willie Nelson, The Muppets, or many others. What's some of your favorite Christmas songs?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

On the 6th Day of Christmas, X-mas Joy Shared with you, the Rock Documentary She's Anticipating in 2010

I love the White Stripes. A lot. And this White Stripes Documentary Trailer encompasses many reasons why the Stripes are one of my Top 3 Current Bands (They haven't officially retired yet).

Friday, December 18, 2009

On the 5th Day of Christmas, Christmas Joy Shared Two Pictures of her Brother's Puppy, Josie.


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Monday, December 14, 2009

On the First Day of Christmas, X-Mas Joy Gave to you a Virtual Trip to the Yucatan.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Based on Twilight...Very East Coast Mormon..and Fairly Amusing..

Twilight Years from Tom on Vimeo.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Random Thoughts

1) Vegas right before Christmas anyone? (Depending on Weather, of course.)

2) Several weeks after the World Series is when I really start paying attention to football (and during Christmas is when I actually sit down and watch the game). I hate Boise State more than I despise Utah but well, both TCU and BSU got the shaft. Yeah, the BCS is going to applaud the fact they have two mid majors in their bowl series but….playing each other? Cop-out. Not surprising because the BCS is about the biggest good ol’ boys club there is, but seriously. This is lame.

3) Since I’ve seen my roommate a total of maybe 3 days for the last 6 weeks, I’ve traded her in for a newer, more reliable model and $250.00.
Okay, Kelli can stay because she pays rent. Plus, she went to her sister's wedding and Thailand. Both were (are) awesome trips..and there's only 4 months left until we celebrate seven years as roommates. Seriously.
Anyway, a friend of mine hung out in my apartment for a bit about 3 weeks ago after she gave me a ride home from a party and long story short, decided to move in when a 2 bedroom opened up. I didn’t realize there was a finder’s fee, but I got it. I may throw a tamale birthday party with some of the cash or put the money towards a new desktop since mine is on life support. The upside? I have a friend moving in 2 doors down to hang out with occasionally.

4) My Cuz Kaycee Feild is doing really well at the National Finals Rodeo in Bareback. He’s leading the average*after 4 nights of the rodeo. I may have jinxed him by mentioning this, but I’ll continue to talk rodeo regardless. If you get a chance, you can watch the replay on espn 360 (free to Verizon subscribers) and it’s on ESPN each night too.

5) I had no idea that Christoga existed until I was looking for a lifetime TV movie on Netflix (Having no cable makes one a little desperate for awesomely bad occasionally) and stumbled across Christoga.
Here’s the synopsis from Netflix below:
Christoga: Christian Yoga
Actress Janine Turner joins forces with fitness expert Mary Cunningham to create a routine that combines hatha yoga and Christian meditation for a workout that exercises both body and soul. Using biblical Scripture, Turner and Cunningham give Christian names to traditional yoga poses. As you perform Christ Exalted, Mighty Disciple and Salvation Rotation, you'll feel your spirit stretching along with your muscles.

6) I’m going to the Dr. tomorrow. I really don’t want to go back on antibiotics, but I can afford it (and yogurt..lots of yogurt), I have decent health insurance and really-I have nothing to whine about. So, since it's been 2 months since I was sick initially, I've got all the symptoms of a persistent case of bronchitis that didn't respond to the 8 day treatment of antibiotics which means...hopefully, I'll be able to go back to working out soon, and be healthy enough to play church ball in January! Babysteps. My resolution last year of taking better care of myself without getting too self-centered, has been accomplished in babysteps. But I'm doing a lot better than I was a year ago, and feel like I'm progressing in a lot of different ways....and hope I'm not too self-centered (for a spinster, as my family likes to call me). Plus, I've got the seasonal, H1-N1 and pneumonia vaccinations hanging out in my system. I'm good to go!

7) Mom, as an early Christmas present, here's the link to Ann Cannon's blog. Click on the post about her dad who always calls cities by their nicknames and click on the blog of the person that states that commented, "I've always wanted to date Lavell." Louise Plummer's blog is worth following too.

*There’s 10 rodeos in 10 nights at the National Finals Rodeo. Kaycee has the highest overall total of these 10 rodeos after 4 nights. That doesn’t mean he’ll be the World Champ in Bareback. The World Champion is the one who has the most money after a season in their event which ends with the National Finals Rodeo.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Armando Bars

Armando and a glimpse of his bars.

In July, I made "Smore's Bars" for my roommate's birthday. I took several of the bars to work to share and one of my co-worker's was smitten. We're talking, asking about them a month after the fact, asking me to make them again almost every day for a couple of weeks, randomly telling me several days about how good they were in love. His birthday was today, so I decided to make him a batch. In honor of the Birthday boy, the treat was renamed, "Armando Bars."

Here's the recipe:

Armando Bars

1/2 cup butter, room temperature
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/3 cups all purpose flour
3/4 cup graham cracker crumbs*
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 king-sized milk chocolate bars*
1 1/2 cups marshmallow creme/fluff (not melted marshmallows)*

Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease an 8-inch square baking pan.
In a large bowl, cream together butter and sugar until light. Beat in egg and vanilla.
In a small bowl, whisk together flour, graham cracker crumbs, baking powder and salt. Add to butter mixture and mix at a low speed until combined.
Use about 2/3 to
Place chococolate bars (or bar) over first layer of graham crackers. If you use two bars, lay them side by side. If you use chocolate chips, just sprinkle them over the first layer of dough. If you use one king size bar, just break it up and lay it over the dough in a single layer.
Spread chocolate with marshmallow creme or fluff.
Place remaining dough in a single layer on top of the fluff (most easily achieved by flattening the dough into small shingles and laying them together).
Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, until lightly browned.
Cool completely before cutting into bars

Makes 16 cookie bars.

*3/4 cup crumbs is approximately 7 full-sized graham crackers, put in the food processor or food chopper until ground into crumbs.

*1/2 to 1 cup chocolate chips can be used instead of the chocolate bars. You just want enough chocolate to cover the layer of chocolate. I used 1 king sized bar for this batch, and I think it worked out just fine. There still was enough chocolate to cover an 8 by 8 pan.

*Marshmallow creme is a pain to smooth onto the layers without everything sticking to it. It's also a pain to measure. I've found microwaving the jar for 15 seconds aids in spreading the creme onto the layer. If you have a hard time measuring the creme, you want about a half inch or so layer over the bars, or measure it to what you prefer. 1 1/2 cups is most of a jar of marshmallow creme I've found, if that helps.

Adapted from Baking Bites

Monday, November 30, 2009

Random Thoughts

1) Blogging every day? Easier this year. Next year I promise to limit the cutting and pasting of videos.
2) I am grateful for the Internet at work. I spectacularly lost mine this morning, and was I more productive? Not really. Plus I couldn't do much research.
3) In response to a family conversation I heard about second hand? Elaine Loraine.
4) Should Tiger Woods fess up? I'm on the fence on this one.
5) Mom, Dad, Steven? Did you draw names for stockings?
6) Pretty much everyone in DC that I talk to has brought up the couple that crashed the State Dinner. My thoughts? I'm not sure if they should face criminal charges, but wth were they thinking?
7) Ashley, I loved the "Problem Solvers" Episode of 30 Rock. "Sun Tea" was a little bit of a let down, but I'll watch it again.
8) Alright, I really need to get off the computer.
9) When I'm about to leave, I always say "alright"
10. Alright.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

30 Rock: Sun Tea

The Exercise lady on tv sounds like Rachel Dratch.
Okay, these "Welcome to Season 4," "Jack will tell you what to do next" etc. is starting to get old.
Hey, someone on the 30 Rock writing staff must've had a similar experience that I had in Italy!
Kathy Geise's lawyer is Teddy Ruxpin? Awesome.
Dr. Spaceman! Dr. Spaceman!
Poor Bryan
Astronaut Mike Dexter
Overall, this episode was funny, but nothing special. Al Gore saving whales was a great in-joke. Tracey hallucinating on the set of the Cosby show made me smile. However, it was so-so.

Memorable Quotes:
"There are no rules. Like Check-in at an Italian Airport."--Jack
"I love the earth. I have these rare blossoms flown in every day on a private jet. That's the definition of green"-Jack

"What have the children done for us?
Well they make our shoes and wallets."--Kenneth and Jack

"There are no rules. Like Check-in at an Italian sex party."--Jenna

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Movie Match-Up

I ended up red-boxing a couple of films this weekend. Both were "Chick-flicks" and both deserved mediocre reviews. Although I didn't feel like I wasted my time (I was knitting), I couldn't decide which film I liked better, so here's the run down.
The films are, "My life in Ruins" starring Nia Vardalos and "New in Town" with Renee Zellweger

Supporting Men: Both films had a well-known actor in a pivotal supporting cast. "My Life" had Richard Dreyfuss as the "funny guy," while "New in Town" had J.K. Simmons as the ornery, caustic plant supervisor. Although Dreyfuss was much warmer, he was actually kind of annoying. I'm racking my brain to think of when Dreyfuss made a film I really liked. I think it's been years. J.K. Simmons rocks the Minnesota accent, and well-isn't annoying.

Winner: "New in Town."

Chemistry: Many couples in romantic couples hook up and you wonder, huh, why did these two get together? In fact, this is probably one of the toughest things in casting a romantic movie (not that I've ever done it) and writing the script. You need two people that you'd actually see together. A lot of "My Life" was the bus driver (Alexis) oogling over Vardalos. However, I'm not sure if they are actually that plausible. Connick and Zellweger however? They fit. There's not fireworks, but they are more like a comfortable pair of shoes. Now, would a vp of a major corporation and a labor union rep actually hook up? Who knows, but it more or less works.

Winner: New in Town

Leading Guy: Okay, Chemistry and leading guy are different categories. We've got Harry Connick Jr (who unfortunately doesn't sing in this film) and Alexis Georgoulis. Alexis is hot, he's really hot, but well, he's got a little Fabianesque look that's a little offputting. Connick is a favorite from way back, he's got a beard which becomes him, he's written into the script as a southerner (guess he couldn't do the Minnesotan accent so well), and well, it's Connick.
Winner: New in Town

Locale: Okay this one is easy. "My Life in Ruins" is set in Greece. "New in Town" is set in Minnesota. In Winter. Um, I'm sure Minnesota is awesome, but I'm going to have to go with "My Life in Ruins."
Winner: My Life in Ruins

Looks like Renee and Harry take it with "New in Town." But um, set your expectations low, and you might enjoy the film!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Must Be Santa!

What better way to usher in the Christmas Season with  Bob Dylan wearing a wig, appearing half drunk at a party singing a polka?  Enjoy!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Any Way the Wind Blows

Apparently this cover of "Bohemian Rhapsody" is flooding the internets, but wow. Have you ever seen a better cover of the song? I'm not sure it's possible. A new favorite from the Muppets, that's for sure.

Favorite moments:
Animal singing Mama...and Dada
Eating the rats
Miss Piggy
Bleeker's final "meep!"
Video Conferencing!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Charlie Darwin

Today is the 150th anniversary of “Origin of Species,” by Charles Darwin. Few if any books changed the world like Darwin’s volume. Personally, I have no problem with the ideas Darwin introduced. If anything, I feel a little sorry for the man who perhaps is even more controversial now then he was while he was living. Earlier this year The Low Anthem’s put out a single about the ideas that Charlie Darwin put forward. The song is quite possibly one of the most beautiful singles of the year, and one that makes you think. The video fits the song perfectly, I think. Here’s the video and lyrics:

Charlie Darwin by The Low Anthem

Set the sails I feel the winds a'stirring

Toward the bright horizon set the way

Cast your wreckless dreams upon our Mayflower

Haven from the world and her decay

And who could heed the words of Charlie Darwin

Fighting for a system built to fail

Spooning water from their broken vessels

As far as I can see there is no land

Oh my god, the water's all around us

Oh my god, it's all around

And who could heed the words of Charlie Darwin

The lords of war just profit from decay

And trade their children's promise for the jingle

The way we trade our hard earned time for pay

Oh my god, the water's cold and shapeless

Oh my god, it's all around

Oh my god, life is cold and formless

Oh my god, it's all around

Monday, November 23, 2009



Instead of cleaning, updating the resume or blogging I knitted this:



while watching this:  

big bang theory season 2

Sunday, November 22, 2009

All Quiet on the Ant Front

This past summer Kelli and I were assaulted, ambushed, and became prisoners in our own apartment. Okay, it wasn't quite that bad--or was it?
Our onslaught began in May. One morning I ambled into the kitchen and noticed a string of ants from the kitchen window leading directly to the sugar bowl. I scooped the ants out, tried to move the sugar bowl but the end result? By that afternoon the sugar was dumped and the bowl ended up in the dishwasher.
Shortly after, Kelli bought a package of red velvet whoopie pies. That night after getting home late, she decided to have a midnight whoopie pie snack. She bit into the whoopie pie, and realized that something was moving in her mouth and on her arm. She looked down and realized the pie was moving. The ants had swarmed the whoopie pies. The whoopie pies were dumped and shortly thereafter moved into the dumpster outside.*
The rest of the summer was a series of skirmishes against the ants. The ants would swarm inside the dishwasher whenever I didn't completely clean out the dish I used to store ice cream base. Occasionally, I'd find a lone piece of sugared cereal on the cupboard that was almost black from the ants on top of it. The only place in the house that was safe from the ants? The fridge and the microwave.
We tried several natural remedies, ant traps, and other tricks. We found that Terro traps work great. They aren't very aesthetic, as they are clear traps, but they seem to deter the little beasties. Keeping the kitchen spotless as well as bleaching down surfaces works well too.
Now that it's November, I haven't seen a sugar ant in the kitchen for a month. I'm hoping the quiet lasts, but I have a feeling we'll be facing off against the little guys next summer.

*I received permission to tell this story

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Last February my roommate Kelli, her brother Chris and I went to the Yucatan Peninsula. I compiled all of our pictures and realized that between the three of us we took 100 pictures of the great pyramid at Chichen Itza. Here's almost 30 of them. In our defense, it was an incredible pyramid.

Friday, November 20, 2009

States I've Visited

I like keeping track periodically of the States I've visited. I'm of the persuasion that airports don't count, (there's a longstanding disagreement between my parents about whether airport visits count when tallying how many states you've been to--and me bringing it up might spark another chapter of that mini-argument).
Anyway, I located on this blog where I tallied up how many states I've been to in 2005, and then did it again today. I try to not just cross a state's border but have a "quality" experience in each state-a memory to remember. One things for certain, if I ever get a chance to drive cross-country, I'll be able to knock out the majority of the states I'm missing in just a day or two.

July 2005

November 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Found on Abstract City

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Shiny Happy Feminists.

I've been meaning to post about Beth Palmer's Editorial piece in Mormon Times entitled "Feminism Equals Happiness" since shortly after the article was published, but I decided to let the Op-Ed's piece simmer in my brain for a few weeks before speaking out.

There are many inaccuracies in the Op-Ed, not to mention false assumptions about Feminism. In the past 20 years, The Feminist Movement has been given the straw man treatment by Limbaugh and others, so much so that Ms. Palmer bought into a commonly held falsity about feminism by stating,

"Like, for instance, its [The Feminist Movement] initial tacit implication that
in order for women to have worth they had to be just like men. "

The quote above is bull. The goal of the feminist movement was to give women equal opportunities. But be just like men? No.

The inspiration of Ms. Palmer’s article was a Time Magazine piece which analyzes (as much as you can analyze) whether or not women are happier during the past 40 years. Ms. Palmer talks about the article and makes the observation that,

"None of which, mind you, is really feminism's fault; it just comes as no
surprise to me to hear that the movement didn't end up being the key to

Okay, so she’s asserting her that the object of feminism was to make people happier. That’s an interesting perspective on feminism. Especially since the Time Magazine article she got the idea for her article stated the following:

We looked across all sectors — young vs. old, kids or no kids, married or not
married, education, no education, working or not working — and it stayed the
same," he says of the data. "But there are a few ways to look at it," he adds.
"As Susan Faludi said, the women's movement wasn't about happiness."

I wonder if Ms. Palmer even read the original article completely? Now, I don’t want to attack her, just because I don’t agree with her. She does make some valid points in her Op-Ed piece. She recognized the strides that have been made to even up the playing field for women. However, many women and men I’ve known are hesitant to call themselves feminists because the word has become dirty in today’s vernacular. I don’t fault those who believe that at all. Maybe I’m the one who is confused. Who knows?

But Ms. Palmer goes further to give us her definition of happiness. Now, there's books and books exploring how to be happy. Everyone alive probably has a little different definition of happiness, and that’s totally cool. Ms. Palmer states:

"See, as tantalizing as it may be to think that happiness comes as the product
of a social movement, or a career, or limitless opportunities, it's still not
the truth. Happiness lies a lot deeper than that, and it's very often tied up in
things that have very little to do with us. "

Not to turn a feminist rant into a philosophical debate, but to me, happiness starts with us, not things that have very little to do with us. Happiness begins with attitude, determination and aligning with what you value most with how you spend your time.

*Amelia has a great post about this article.
*MFranti discusses this article also.
Ash had a great post about feminism this week too

Monday, November 16, 2009

Jeremiah Johnson

This afternoon I told two of my co-workers I finally sat down and watched "Jeremiah Johnson." One of them said, "Isn't it the best western without Indians?" Then he stopped, when I just looked at him, and he said "Oh yeah, well it's different than John Wayne Movies.
Jeremiah Johnson, a 1972 film based on a true story about a man who came to the Rockies Mountains to become a mountain man. He's inept at first, but through the help of a couple of friends, but learns the ropes of making a living from the Mountains. A series of tragic events changed the tone of the film which I didn't entirely like. However, all in all, the film was one I'm glad I finally sat down to watch.
Filmed entirely in Utah, the film is gorgeous. I cracked up a little at one scene that had to be filmed at the shores of Deer Creek Reservoir (you can see where the Heber Creeper Railroad line is), not far from the Highway. Part of the opening scene is filmed just below the Flaming Gorge Down which was fun to see.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

30 Rock: Into the Crevasse

Memorable Quotes
"Another Successful interaction with a man."--Liz

Last weekend I picked up this girl after practicing Jedi Moves at Prospect Park. Took her home on the handlebars of my bike, snuck her inside past my mom, she sees my mint condition Hell boy action figure and she starts quoting your damn book."--Frank

"I did Big Sister in College. That little girl taught me how to use tampons."--Liz

"Punish You? I've always wanted to film a student werewolf movie in Iceland where I'm filling in last minute for Victoria Beckham."

"It was a year ago that you kicked me to the curb. I began plotting my revenge that very day. I knew I needed to align myself with something bigger than GE and since American Idol's not on until January, that left the United States Government."--

"You probably don't know this, because you've never played a moonologist, but werewolves only come out at night.--Janna
Yes I remember that from the Thriller Video.--Liz
Too soon."--Tracy
"Volunteers need to adopt a dog, it's like God backwards."--Sign

"All I need from you is one idea that's as good as the lightbulb."--Jack

"Since I have neither the time or the energy, to pretend your problem is a real problem, I will cut the baby in half."--Jack

Random Thoughts
Dr. Spaceman has a book?!? Oh, look at Chris Parnell's cute mug! :30 seconds in and this episode rocks.
Mr. Geiss is a Fonzie fan.
A bus to Washington? The JC Penney's lapel cover?
"Doin' the Microwave..jabba wabba wabba"
Pants for Zoo animals and Big Brother, huh?
Will Arnett! Will Arnett!
Will Arnett is BFF with Malia? Awesome.
"I will adopt all of them."
7 minutes in, and this episode is even more hectic than usual.
Laser shield, cold pizza, laser gun, Gay Ireland. I love when Will Arnett and Jack confront each other.
Seriously, Arnett and Baldwin confronting each other is awesome.
Wow, talk about a hilariously silly episode. Great episode!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


I thought you were going to blog today for me.

Friday, November 13, 2009


I somehow worked 11 hours on my regularly scheduled day off today. I'm still here at work but off the clock, and taking a few minutes before I catch the train to go to a party tonight on my way home. This week has been something else. I'm coordinating a walking event for 250 employees. We've never done anything like this before, and the response has been phenomenal. Registration closed this afternoon and I spent this early evening tying up loose ends for the event.
Even though I was busy with the walking event, Jane Goodall was here today so I took time out to listen to her speak about endangered species. Being in the same room as Dame Jane Goodall? Absolutely inspiring. Her lecture was great, and the room was packed. She greeted us with how chimpanzees greet each other, which was simply awesome. She talked a little about her work and her latest book. Although there was one question posed to Dr. Goodall that was well, out of this planet (she was asked how researchers should respond to aliens visiting this planet-I kid you not), one of my favorite parts of her lecture was when a 8 or 9 year old asked her how she came to do the research she did. Dr. Goodall replied that when she was a little girl, she had a crush on Tarzan and was absolutely crushed that he married Jane, but she was convinced that she would visit Africa. She said that even though this was World War 2 Europe and her family didn't even have enough money for a bicycle, she was a girl, and Africa was considered the "Dark Continent" still, she had a supportive mother who told her that anything was possible. Although Dr. Goodall talked about the dire straits the planet was in, she also brought a message of hope that inspired me and others I spoke with to be better.

Speaking of mothers; Yes mom, the Departmental award idea I had last week for members of the public was presented to it's first recipient, Dr. Goodall, by the Secretary. No, I didn't get to meet her, although I could have. I was asked by the Secretary's photographer (I'm not name dropping, I've just worked in the building for 7 years so I know people) if I wanted my picture with her, but I didn't want to stand in line and needed to get back to the walking challenge registration. And, I might've had a momentary lapse of shyness.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Books I've Read in 2009: Part 1

Blood Meridian: Or the Evening Redness in the West
"Blood Meridian: Or the Evening Redness in the West," by Cormac McCarthy

Out of Cormac McCarthy's books (even The Road), this book is often called his masterpiece, and perhaps the most difficult to read. One of Cormac McCarthy's themes is kindness juxtaposed with violence, but this book takes it up a notch. One reviewer admitted that McCarthy is a genius, but wondered if McCarthy was mentally sane after reading this book. And after reading it, it's a valid thought. Blood Meridian is a Western, and tells the story of a 14 year old boy thrown into a gang of scalpers on the Mexican Border. His main antagonist is Judge Holden, a 7' tall man who is a murderer, child molestor, get the idea. The story follows the two main characters through a period of several decades-juxtaposing pure evil with humanity.

I can't say I'd recommend this to anyone, in fact I'd tell anyone to be sure they can handle violence.

I enjoyed this book. The author is a cousin of my mom's, and he writes pretty well.

Cold Train Coming

"Cold Train Coming" by Larry Barkdull

Cold Train Coming is the story of two boys living in a small western railroad town. They end up taking care of a dog who lives at the train station who has been there since his owner's body was taken away to family back east several years before. The dog waits for every train, waiting for the owner. The boy's story becomes entangled with the dog's and it makes for a quick, enjoyable book.

The Partly Cloudy Patriot

"The Partly Cloudy Patriot" by Sarah Vowell

Essays by Sarah Vowell, there's a lot of history and commentary in this books. The type of fun, random, obscure history that makes you go huh, that I didn't know.

I like Vowell, definitely better than Sedaris and maybe almost as well as Klosterman. This book has some great essays, but is dated.

Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson Book 1)

Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson Book 1)by Louise Rennison

Bridget Jones ruined chick-lit (and I liked Bridget Jones). That being said, it was actually a pretty cute lil' book. I just couldn't get into this story.

God: A Biography

"God a Biography" By Jack Miles
Finally finished this one. Great, thought-provoking literary critique of the God of the Old Testament. This book was eye opening and changed my perspective of God.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Deed of Gifts Was Many Gifts of War*

Veteran's Day is kind of a tough holiday for me. Personally, the hippie in me would rather there only be one holiday for Veterans and another to honor our dead. But the amateur historian in me agrees that we should have holidays that have their origin in the Civil War and World War I. We are a country beget out of war, and if it wasn't for war (and a crazy English king), life as we know it might be very different.
Living and working where I do, I've been to the Vietnam Memorial several times on or the week of Veteran's Day. Walking along that wall; catching glimpses of a generation lost through pictures, letters to the deceased from family and loved ones, cigarettes, and other memorabilia left at the wall. Then there's the people; walking shoulder to shoulder with veterans standing at the wall looking a little lost and seeing families, loved ones embrace their vets and the groups of vets there with their fallen friends and family. The sense of loss? Almost palpable.
But after the emotional toll the wall takes, I always try to visit President Lincoln in his Greek temple. I look for the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. step where he delivered the beautiful and prophetic, "I Have a Dream," address on my way up and think about the significance of that speech. Then when I reach the top, I spend a few minutes gazing at Mr. Lincoln, read the speeches on the wall and gaze at the city. I think briefly of the movie, "The Wedding Crashers," but mostly try to process again all I've seen and felt and give thanks for this great, young, country of mine.
In recent years, my thoughts on Veteran's Day drift to my youngest brother. He's an officer in the Army and is on active duty. I'm very proud of him and the choice he made to serve in this army.

Smokey, Steve, and my dad at Steven's Commision Ceremony. December, 2007.

*A line from "The Gift Outright" by Robert Frost

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


One of my favorite "viral" videos of all-time? David Hasselhoff's Hooked on a Feeling. Just thinking about that video brings a smile to my face. Now, here's another video from the Hoff, not nearly as memorable as "Hooked on a Feeling, but still a few goofy parts.

Here's the one and only Hoff:

I need to up my a-game if I'm going to blog another 18 days. It's only the 10th of the month and I'm bringing back Hasselhoff. Oy

Monday, November 9, 2009

You may have noticed these the past 3 or 4 days on Google or blogs such my brother's and his wife. What better way to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Sesame Street? Personally, I can't remember the first time I watched Sesame Street or the Muppets. I'm told Kermit was my favorite, which is about right (I've always done his little laugh and just realized it a few years ago) but each of the Muppets (maybe even Elmo..Maybe) have places in my heart. Even today, I'll occasionally watch Sesame Street excerpts online. Then there's all the lessons they've taught millions of children throughout the world. Pretty incredible. Jim Henson, wherever you are, thanks again!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

30 Rock: Season 4

I haven't "reviewed" an episode of 30 Rock since March 2. I've got a little case of bronchitis and I'm trying to fill a void that used to be filled by baseball (sad, but true)--- so here's my review of the season premiere. And yes, this may be the only episode I've watched so far.


Memorable Quotes
"Hello everyone, I'm so happy to see all of you and welcome you to Season 4, which is the number one restaurant in New York," --Jack

"I can't eat these, I'm a foodie."--Tracy

"The best way for a female to get heat in this industry is to record a country album or have a lesbian relationship."--Jenna

"We'll trick those race car lovin' wide loads into watchin' your lefty homoerotic propoganda hour yet!-Jack
Well, you don't just like anybody, do you?"-Liz
"Well..." --Jack

"We're reaching out to the rest of the country. Our new mammogram machine is called Get 'er done 2000."--Jack

"Excuse me sir, do you want to hold hands with a black millionaire?"--Tracy?

"Pete and I are intercoursing each other."--Liz

"I don't need this job. I can get a job tomorrow in the air force."--Josh

"Once I'm vested, I'm outta here." --Dot Com

"Tell me what to do.....Nixon."--Jack

Where's the bar?-Jack
"There's a bar in the shower that was installed by the previous tenant. He still died in there though." --Kenneth
When people look at you, they see who they want to be. When people look at me they see who they are.
Sir, you look like the mall santas when they come back from lunch."--Jack

"Kiss my a$$ new york, it's tennis night!--Jenna

"Step into the light, Lemon, there's nothing wrong with being fun and popular and giving people what they want. Ladies and gentlemen-- Jay Leno."--Jack

Season 4! Season 4! Jack's intro was pretty much awesome. Why is Alec Baldwin so hilarious?
Oh, Tracy's stand up? Awesome.
Oh, Jenna.
Tracy actually burning money? Nice.
Oh, Jack just said Comrade Obama. Nice.
Is Kenneth speaking Pig Latin?
Oh, love the Payroll Department!!
Hmm, Pete and Liz are "great" at lying.
Moby is a dear friend of Tracy's?
Josh! He was finally mentioned!
Jack is Mr. America. Yes, he is.
I always like when the Private Investigator shows up, or should we say, "The Chameleon."
Pete and Liz are still great at lying. Awkward.
The rubber chicken hanging on the wall of the writers room? Kind of cool.
Pete's wife's proposition. Even more awkward.
The lead-in to Josh? That was great. Everyone helping him with the table? Nice. I'm a tiny bit sad to see Josh go however.
Mall Santas?
Private Investigator guy in a wig? Silly fun.
Poor Kenneth, but the scenes between Jack and Kenneth are some of the best on the show.
Ah, Tennis night.

All in all this episode wasn't bad. Not one of my top ten, but still a lot of fun, and as always-a great mix of low and highbrow comedy. The last line by Jack? Awesome.

Let's end this post with, "Tennis Night!"

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Great Full

Last night I read an article about a women who was diagnosed with MS.  She wallowed in a state of misery until a friend told her that the only way she could heal was to reach out to others.  This friend told her to give away 29 gifts in 29 days.  The women continued to feel sorry for herself, but tucked the advice away and eventually tried it. Lo, and behold she started to feel better.  She then went on to create a website and wrote a book about this piece of advice.  Oh sure, she's not cured-she has an uncurable disease- but she's managing her disease better, and able to live with it-and the attitude change contributed. 

This afternoon, I was told to call my 88 year old Grandmother to get the final score for the South Summit Football Game (My "baby" cousin is on the team and they're in the playoffs).  I didn't want to because she can't hear well, and it was an effort to talk today.  But I swallowed my self-centeredness and gave her a call. As I was talking to my grandma, she told me "I don't understand football well, but I'm going to get the hang of the game."  My grandma's mental capacity isn't what it used to be, and even though this cousin isn't the first family member to play high school football (both of her sons played, and she used to go to BYU games with us sometimes), I really admired her attitude. 

This isn't the only story I have of my grandma and attitude or of determination.  Oh no, I could fill a book, or at least a novella with stories, but it struck me today that even though she's not the same as she was, one of the things that she's still got is her attitude and determination.  That's pretty cool, if you ask me. 

This is my Grandma

My grandma and grandpa with 3 of her 5 children.  My mom is the girl my grandma is holding, the other girl is my Aunt Hannah and the little boy that seems to be talking to the toy car is my Uncle John. The other 2 boys hadn't been born yet, I'm guessing. I believe my grandma is about 35 in this picture.





Friday, November 6, 2009

Jane Goodall and Pedometers: Just another week in the office

I don't think I talk about my job much here on the blog.  I work in Human Resources for the Department of the Interior (Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs etc).  At least that's what I tell most people.  I've had this job for four years, and just a year ago both my mother and best friend asked what is it that you do again?  Needless to say, the explanation took several minutes.  Either or I'm not eloquent, or it's kind of complicated. 

Anyway, my office is the Policy and Guidance office for Human Resources for the Department of the Interior and we're under the Policy, Management and Budget Assistant Secretary and part of the Office of the Secretary (that might be too much Fed govt. lingo right there, oops).  We don't actually process human resource actions, each of my counterparts in my office are responsible over Human Resource programs.  I'm over Work-Life programs (health benefits, awards, leave, childcare subsidy, wellness etc.).  If any of the bureau or office Human Resource Offices of the Department (see incomplete list in the first sentence) have any policy or procedure questions, they come to my office.  My office also works closely with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).  When OPM needs data for their annual reports to Congress, they come to my coworkers and I to get the data from the bureaus and offices.  If there's new laws or policy issued from OPM, my office issues the data to OPM.  In addition to these tasks, we also issue Department Specific policy and procedure, as needed.  A lot of my time is spent writing policy and making sure it follows OPM guidance, the Code of federal regulations and Public Law. 

As the Awards Coordinator for the Department, I don the event coordinator cap twice a year.  I'm in charge of two Secretarial events a year, one is a formal event, and the other is a few hours before the fireworks on the 4th of July.  The formal event takes several months of planning, and I work with 50-75 people to pull off the event. I also answer random awards questions, and "consult" about awards during the year.  Just yesterday, I was asked about how the Department could honor Jane Goodall. 

Since the Obama Administration took office in January, I've been even busier than I was before.  Wellness and work-life has been a focus, and we're working on several initiatives that will benefit not only the Department but the Federal Government  and the American Public.

One of the initiatives we've been working on is a wellness-campus project.  Three Government agencies are consolidating their services (which will save money) and also working together to provide more wellness services to employees so the workforce will be healthier, more productive, and retain employees etc.  Interior's kick-off for the wellness campus is a 5 week team walking challenge which I'm coordinating.  The challenge might be considered "fluff" but I think it'll be successful, and people will get into it. 

Anyway, here's a lot more than you'll ever want to know about my job, I'm sure.  Needless to say, I enjoy it most days. I've learned a ton, and working at Interior is challenging, that's for sure. I am lucky enough to work with a lot of great, great people and it's a pleasure to serve the employees of the Department of the Interior.  

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Cheap Music?

When buying music, I prefer cd's to buying mp3's online. However, Amazon has a new promotion of 50 albums a month for $5 each that's a cheap way to expand a music catalog. The 50 CD's aren't the bottom of the bargain bin. There's no Weird Al Greatest Hits Volume four here. No, rather there's a pretty diverse of new stuff, classics that range from Nat King Cole to Yo Gabba Gabba! There's Bowie, the latest Jay-Z Album and even a decent selection of recent Indy Rock Albums. Some of my recommendations are:

Cash: The Best of the Sun Years
If you don't own any Johnny Cash, the most influential and groundbreaking music of his career happened while he recorded at Sun Records. This album has 25 singles (25 singles for 5 bucks!) and covers the classics as well as lesser known music. Here's a 23 year old Johnny Cash singing one of my favorite songs from the Sun Years:

Blitzen Trappers "Furr"
One of my favorite albums from 2008 is Blitzen Trappers, "Furr." Many of the tracks on this Indy-Rock album would be at home on a '70s folk-rock album. Here's Blitzen Trappers performing the title track on Conan:

The Gaslight Anthem:"The '59 Sound"
I adore this album. I've been listening to it regularly for a year, and it's still one of my "go to" albums. The Gaslight Anthem is from Jersey-and sound like the progeny of Springsteen, but it totally works for them. If you haven't heard this album yet, check it out!

Amazon's Promotion

Other album highlights are:
The Heartless Bastards "The Mountain"-Perhaps the Bastards weakest album, however it still showcases the lead singers incredible rock god voice
The Crane Wife by the Decemberists is a classic

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pajama Pants!

Last year when I was in the hospital, I only owned two pairs of pajama pants. Although I was wearing a gown, hospitals in November are chilly-and gowns are cold. Needless to say, when I got out of the hospital (and washed those pants the next day), I told myself I'd own five pairs of pajama bottoms. Kind of an irrational thought, but one I decided to carry out. Because I own a sewing machine, I decided to make those pants. I've made a pair here and there, retired the original pajama bottoms, and now own five pairs. The first pair or two were serviceable, but by no means fine quality sewing-even though pajama pants are simple to make. One pair I've had to go back and reinforce the butt-another pair shredded in the dryer, I didn't read the washing instructions on the material which said hand wash only. But the last four pairs I've made aren't too bad. Here's a picture.

I'm doing everything I can to stay out of the hospital this fall short of being bubble joy or being accused of being OCD, but it feels good to have this goal completed and more options of pants for lounging!

I've sewed other things in the past twelve months-table cloths, curtains, a few bags-enough that I'm pretty sure I'm up for more difficult projects. I even cut out the material for a skirt for work-but I'm terrified about starting it. Who knew that a pile of fabric could be so intimidating?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Game 4

Last night I finally went to bed a little after 11:00 and missed the 9th inning of Game 4 of the World Series. Although I'm probably functioning better than I would be if I stayed up, I missed A-Rod finally showing us all how talented he is in the post-season, and maybe even more importantly, Johnny Damon's 2 stolen bases. Johnny Damon stole my heart years ago during the tragic 2004 post season. When he became a Yankee in 2005, it was an early birthday Christmas Present to yours truly. I even blogged about it here.

Last night, with the score tied and 2 out, Damon got on base, stole second, kept his head up as he was stealing second and realized that the Phillies had shifted so there was no one on third, and he could out run the nearby infielders. He then took third-putting himself in easy scoring position when Alex R. got a base hit. MLB makes embedding actual game play tough, so I wasn't able to find an embeddable version online, but here's a link to video of the stolen bases.
Tonight? You better believe I'm staying up for the whole game.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

NaBloPoMo 2009

I've been thinking about doing the NaBloPoMo challenge again this year. Last year was brutal, mostly because I was sick the entire month of November, but blogging each day for the month was rewarding. Today while in church, I decided to go for the challenge and outlined ideas for posts. So, bear with me-29 posts to go!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Poor Baby Caesar Salad....

I wasn't sure if I could finish Creep Week, but I found a great final entry. Here we have Martha Stewart gushing about babiess in costume. Now, costumed babies are adorable. Baby bumblebees anyone? However, these babies....are a little like a Ann Geddes film shoot as envisioned by Tim Burton. Creepy in my book. The best thing about this it isn't a parody. No, this is an actual Martha Stewart Show presenting how you too can make a baby turkey costume.

The Enchanting World of Kitty Wigs

A few years ago, I was introduced to the fabulous world of "Dancing with Cats." So fabulous in fact that a book was published about this phenomenon, and I owned a copy for a while. Recently though, I stumbled across a similar trend-"Kitty Wigs," by Julie Jackson-the creator of Subversive Cross-Stitch.
For those cat-lovers in the world, I apologize to you, but even pictures of cats creep me out (One of the creepiest places in the DC Metro Area is the "Stray Cat," which is decorated with 12x16 portraits of cats). So, as Thursday's entry of Creep Week 2009, I give you, images from "Kitty Wigs."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy Birthday

Finding a picture of Richard to fit into "Creep Week?" Thank you Nicole for this Classic. This works perfectly! But really, Richard is maybe the least creepy person I know in real life.
Happy 29th Rich!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


In the mood for a freaky, creepy little tale? Have I one for you. I'm almost thinking I have the tolerance of a 9 year old for these kind of movies, but Coraline was creepy. Don't let that stop you from watching it however-the tale of a little girl who discovers another family with buttons for eyes who wants her is enchanting, breathtaking at times, and even kind of funny. The animation is phenomenal and the voice acting is solid. After watching "Phoebe in Wonderland" recently, and now this-Dakota Fanning is fast becoming a favorite child star. She does a great job voicing Coraline. The ending is intense-you know how it ends, but there's still a few moments where you jump. Or at least I did.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Roundup: SasSquirrel Edition

1) This weekend included the movie "Whip It!" I was hoping the film would be pretty good, and I cracked up a lot. The story was cute, the acting solid and it was fun. Drew Barrymore is on a roll after her stellar performance in "Grey Gardens," and she shows great promise as a director.

2) Friday, I went on a hunt for an albino squirrel on the National Mall. No minature Yeti was sighted lasty week, we'll see if I go back to confirm the first initial sighting.

What DC's albino squirrel may look like....Looks like a cousin of Bunnicula.

3) The Yankees finally exorcised the Angels, winning in 6 games. Although the Angels were pesky as always, the Yankees played superior ball. Now onto the Phillies on Wednesday.

4) Yesterday was the annual Del Ray Parade. Since I have no dog or child yet, I didn't enter the parade-but had a great time watching the spectacle. The categories were pets (highlights were the lobster-bulldog, elephant chihuaua etc.), children and adults, and strollers. This family won the stroller competition. If you're in Alexandria next year, you should check it out!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Creepy Factor +1

Remember the creepy vinyl of Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) from Twilight? Well, I can't decide if this is creepier.
Maybe I'd rather have "Be Safe" on my bedroom wall. On second thought, maybe not.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Round Up: Shut-in Version

1) I think the seasonal flu shot gave me the flu over Columbus Day weekend. I thought I was doing okay late last week, but then I started feeling a chest cold Saturday coming on and I've been in our apartment since. I'm fine, I've got Gatorade, expectorant, a Wii, comfort food, a nebulizer just in case and I've even been able to work some from home. Hopefully I'll be able to go to work on Wednesday.

2) Yankees: Up 2-1 against the Angels. They didn't have it last night, and I'm really hoping the game tonight goes better and they are better to head back to the Bronx with one game up. They can't expect to strand guys on base like that and still have a chance against the Angels.

3) Television: For the playoffs, I bought a antenna for our television to get the basic broadcast channels. I don't quite feel out of sync with the world, and well-commericals are cooler when you go long stretches without watching any tv. That being said, I kind of miss my 1.5 years of no TV. We'll see if I put the antenna away after the play-offs. Hmm, I think I've turned into one of "those people."

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Literal Videos

Apparently, there's a ton of videos on Youtube where people make up lyrics that sing exactly what's going on in the video. Sometimes they are a little too "Weird Al" for me, but this? This version of "Total Eclipse of the Heart?" Not bad.

Wordless: East Coast, West Coast Edition

Friday, October 9, 2009

Nutella-Health Food

Anyone see those Nutella commercials touting Nutella as an addition to a healthy, wholesome breakfast? They make me chuckle because Nutella isn't a "health" food. Reading the nutritional label, a single 37 gram serving of Nutella (two tablespoons) contains 11 grams of fat and 21 grams of sugar. Half of the 200 calories in each serving come from fat.
I like Nutella as much as the next person (peanutbutter and nutella sandwiches are awesome), but slathering Nutella on healthy food to get kids to eat more nutritious? It's like gobbing salad dressing or mayo on Vegetables. You still get your veggies, and that's good-and getting picky kids to eat healthy is a battle, but naked veggies, with just a little bit of flavoring? Better. Nutella as part of a healthy breakfast? Small amounts of Nutella would fit right in, but........

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Queen Mary Who?

If there has to be a cruise ship docked in the small coastal town you're visiting, the Queen Mary 2 is about the best cruise ship I can think of to share a town with. Besides, it's not a cruise ship, it's an ocean liner, and the only active ocean liner in duty. We were out whale watching (no whales, I swear I'm cursed-but that's another blog post for another day) all day, and the Queen Mary was leaving as we pulled up. The downside though? There was a Carnival cruise ship in the harbor also.