Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: An Excerpt

Excerpt: 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies'
by Seth Grahame-Smith

As Mr. Darcy walked off, Elizabeth felt her blood turn cold. She had never in her life been so insulted. The warrior code demanded she avenge her honour. Elizabeth reached down to her ankle, taking care not to draw attention. There, her hand met the dagger concealed beneath her dress. She meant to follow this proud Mr. Darcy outside and open his throat.
But no sooner had she grabbed the handle of her weapon than a chorus of screams filled the assembly hall, immediately joined by the shattering of window panes. Unmentionables poured in, their movements clumsy yet swift; their burial clothing in a range of untidiness. Some wore gowns so tattered as to render them scandalous; other wore suits so filthy that one would assume they were assembled from little more than dirt and dried blood. Their flesh was in varying degrees of putrefaction; the freshly stricken were slightly green and pliant, whereas the longer dead were grey and brittle – their eyes and tongues long since turned to dust, and their lips pulled back into everlasting skeletal smiles.
A few of the guests, who had the misfortune of being too near the windows, were seized and feasted on at once. When Elizabeth stood, she saw Mrs. Long struggle to free herself as two female dreadfuls bit into her head, cracking her skull like a walnut, and sending a shower of dark blood spouting as high as the chandeliers.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Quote of the Day

Sunday, March 29, 2009

What Kelli has been up to since February 9

Kelli, my roommate and sometimes best friend, hasn't blogged since February 9th. Her brother has been staying and made the comment that they know more about what's going on in my life then Kelli's because I blog regularly. Well, I decided I'd keep them up to date with what's going on with Kelli.

Week of February 9, 2009:
Kelli was inspired by her last post and went to practice the Spanish she learned in the sketch in Mexico. Unfortunately for her, the only part she remembered was the part about the bomb--while we were going through security. Luckily, we were able to rescue her, and she even went back to the airport later that night to pick up her brother.
Week of February 16, 2009:
Still in Mexico, she bought a hammock, and developed a mild obsession for Octopus tacos.

Week of February 23, 2009:
Back in DC, Kelli attempted to make Octopus tacos. The Octopus fought back.

Week of March 2, 2009:
After being defeated by the Octopus, Kelli decided she needed to make a change in her life. She thought about getting an octopus tattoo, but the shame was still too strong. Many ideas were thought about, most started with the letter S.

Week of March 9, 2009:
Step 1 of getting in killer (well, killer octopus) shape was to get out the Nike Ipod. The battery in the nike ipod attachment was dead, so Apple sent her a replacement and 19 more. She decided to sell the 19 on the street, but the streets of Del Ray aren't really hopping for that kind of black market goods.

Week of March 16, 2009:
In great spirits, Kelli attended her first roller derby. By the end of the match, she had her roller derby name down to "Secretary of Skate" Number 44 or "Nancy Hate" Number CNN3.

Week of March 23, 2009
Kelli spent the week working on her burgeoning roller derby career. By the end of the week, she made the realization that true derby girls don't have blue and brown bedroom walls. Her walls are now a kick a$$ yellow.

That should pretty much catch you up with what's going on in Kelli's life. Oh, I forgot to mention her audition as Nancy Grace's understudy. Next time maybe.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

30 Rock: The Bubble

Let's just say, I love Jon Hamm even more than I did before this episode. He's kind of awesome.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Thursday, March 19, 2009


March is quite possibly my favorite sports month of the year. There’s March Madness, Spring Training, no American football, and tonight my cousin Kaycee Feild will be riding in the 2nd Round of the Semifinals of the Houston Super Series Rodeo. He rode a couple of weeks ago during one of the prelim rounds, and did very well.
The first night he took first on an 87 ride. I’ve never seen him ride better, Kaycee was completely in-sync with the horse who was a strong bucker-but Kaycee looked completely in charge. He earned that 87.
The second night he rode well, but the horse wasn’t quite as impressive looking as the ride the night before. That being said, Kaycee rode well. He did well enough to take second on an 84.
The third night he had a re-ride and scored in the 70’s. He didn’t place, but he did well enough to earn a place to ride tonight. Go Kaycee!

Update: He took 6th place with an 80 (wth?-An 80 isn't bad! Which means the horses were awesome, everyone was riding well, or the scores might've been a little inflated--at least that's what it meant 15-20 years ago when Kaycee's dad was riding) so he's not moving on to the finals at Houston. However, he did well and earned some good money there.
The prelim finals were on espn360.com but the semifinals weren't up there this morning. I think ESPN2 was carrying this rodeo too.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm pretty much a Pacifist but.....

My blog has been quiet lately (for me). Sorry about that. However, whoever started the rumor (probably Rush Limbaugh or Ann Colter) that federal government employees don't work at all should be shot. Or work my schedule the past two weeks (and the next 2 months). Sometime, I'd like to not leave my house at 6:00 am and get home after 6:00 pm (or 8:00 like today) and still get everything I need to get done accomplished. But, I really do love my job, and well, I have a job. Those are two things I'm super thankful for. I've also had a ton of people help me, contact me, and just appear out of the woodwork in the past two weeks (professionally and personally). Really, it's been a crazy-good two weeks.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Quote of the Day

"Everybody can be great because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You don't have to know about Plato and Aristotle to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love. And you can be that servant." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

With Liberty and Justice to Brawl

On Saturday, I attended my first roller derby. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I found myself really liking the sport and atmosphere. There was maybe a 1,000 people or so in attendance at the cavernous DC Armory. The event had a ESPN da Ocho feel to it, an announcer wearing a sequined jacket, a Jason-Batemanesque color commentator. Each event has two matches, one is the exhibition where the announcer goes through the rules. The second match is the main event. Derby is sort of a cross between rugby or hockey and a race on roller skates on an oval short-track. You can read more here.
Each of the girls on the teams have names and numbers. Some of favorites were:
  • Gun'Her Down, 50 CAL
  • Witch Crafty, 1692
  • Hoova Dayum, H20
  • Marion Barrycuda, 311
  • Ovary Action, 28 Days

Although the event has a certain chintzy feel to it, it wasn't over the top, and it's really about the sport. These women are good at their sport, and it's really cool to watch them in action. Plus, we all had fun coming up with our own roller derby names!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

50 Years Today...

I wouldn't be a "good" Sherpa (okay Sherpas are from Nepal, mostly) if I didn't mention the 50 year anniversary of when the Dalai Lama fled Tibet in 1959. And if you only read one book about the Dalai Lama, "Seven Years in Tibet by Heinrich Harrer. One of my favorite "memoirs" of all time. If you have any other suggestions of books to read about this period of time, let me know!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Aren't I lucky?

I've been thinking about family the six months or so, and whether or not its time to try and move back to the Inter-Mountain West or Utah. Living out here 2500 miles away from most of my family the past 7.5 years, I forget that I'm not just a single gal in DC, I'm also a daughter, a grand-daughter, a sister, a neice, and a cousin. I forget that those roles demand my time, and the rewards that I get from fulfilling those responsibilities.
I love it here in DC, and I have "family" here that I love as much as my "blood relatives," and it'll be hard leaving if I decide to leave. I haven't made any decisions yet, except that I need to update my resume because it's been almost four years since I've done that.
I'm not afraid to put this on my blog, as I have a good situation at work, they've been awesome to me while I've been struggling with my health, and I wouldn't go unless I could find an ideal federal goverment position in the Intermountain West. In this economy, the competition for a job is going to be fierce so it may be a year or more that I find a good fit. Or I may decide to stay out here.
Another consideration is my health. This winter has been my easiest winter out here in several years, (even counting the 5 day hospital stay), and I'm coming off another sinus infection/bronchitis bout. Last year, I had 4 months straight of upper respiratory illnesses. Even if I move back west, I'll still have to be carefull with my health, but it would be nice living in a place where my sinuses clear out after about a week, the mountains and desert is right there, and there's a lot of great road biking, hiking, back-packing, etc. etc all easier to get to than it is out here. That being said, biking to and from work next to the Potomac? Really is an awesome commute, and I've got skulling and sailing to look forward to this year.
So, I haven't made any real decisions yet, but I'm figuring it all out. Might be time to move back, it might not. We'll see how it goes. Either way, I want to be prepared.
This afternoon I stumbled across the pictures above in my cousin's blog. I'm related to these "crazy" people. The first picture is my Uncle Kent and Aunt Hannah's family. The second picture is my grandmother True Feild and her "grands" on her birthday (Great-Grand kids). If I do move closer, it'll be really nice to see the majority of the people in the pictures above more than once every couple of years.
Thanks Janette!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Just Born

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!!

Or I should say, Happy Birthday Fodder Bodder from your Joy Mariezo (my dad rhymes everything)

I want

A Gary Fisher fixed gear with fenders, chain guard, and capabilities to mount a rack for groceries and books. Check out the seat, and the color? I'm in love. Perfect second bike, and I've been looking for a second bike for 6 months now. But since I just bought a new bike last year....I don't see this one in my future. Le sigh, le boo hoo.

Monday, March 2, 2009

30 Rock: Larry King

Memorable Quotes:
"I'll definitely do that..on opposite day.
"I'm new to this country, is that a real thing?"--Liz and the taxi cab driver

"I think tonight is going to be a special night if you know what I mean?
"I think I do, don't forget your skateboard."--Jack and Elisa

"I was supposed to be in that movie Rush Hour, but 2 weeks into the shooting I was replaced by Jackie Chan."-Tracy

"Was it, the days are done my sweet for the lambs are are decapitated?"--Kenneth

"It smells like dude in here."--Elisa

"What happens to you? You all get poor like the rest of us. You eat cereal that's in the bag and you keep the free hand-wipes from the casino and you might have to spend time with your children."--Elisa

"Love is all that matters." Don Geiss

"I watched American Masters about Baryshnikov and I picked up a few things."--Jack

I was about to do the run to the airport thing like Ross did on Friends and Liz Lemon did in real life."--Jack

"Everything has gone Cocoa for Cocoa Poops, is that right?"--Elisa

Random Thoughts:
Liz was a man?
A hermaphrodite?
True love is a picture of a caricature on a skateboard.
Never mind, true love is a matching t-shirt with your names squished together. (Jalisa)
What about Jaconathan?
Adult pictures?
Oh, Kenneth has a friend!
Ax-men? Seriously? I'm glad I don't have cable tv.
Ok, Tracy Jordan on CNN is kind of awesome.
Poor Kenneth.
Geise has a manstress?
I really want to see Jack dunk a basketball.
Oh, you go Elisa!
Oh a riddle!
Poor Kenneth
Wow, that's one riddle I actually got.
Jonathan playing a flute topless? AWESOME!!!