The first night he took first on an 87 ride. I’ve never seen him ride better, Kaycee was completely in-sync with the horse who was a strong bucker-but Kaycee looked completely in charge. He earned that 87.
The second night he rode well, but the horse wasn’t quite as impressive looking as the ride the night before. That being said, Kaycee rode well. He did well enough to take second on an 84.
The third night he had a re-ride and scored in the 70’s. He didn’t place, but he did well enough to earn a place to ride tonight. Go Kaycee!
Update: He took 6th place with an 80 (wth?-An 80 isn't bad! Which means the horses were awesome, everyone was riding well, or the scores might've been a little inflated--at least that's what it meant 15-20 years ago when Kaycee's dad was riding) so he's not moving on to the finals at Houston. However, he did well and earned some good money there.
The prelim finals were on but the semifinals weren't up there this morning. I think ESPN2 was carrying this rodeo too.
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